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Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Youth are Crying for Jobs, Rahul Gandhi Speaks for Them

In 45 years, India has peaked to heights of joblessness, in 2019, the estimated youth unemployment rate in India was at 23.01 percent.

Unemployment in India

The joblessness curve is rising and one in three skilled youth are jobless; 1.3 million Indian youths need jobs every month, around eight million a year!  Law graduates in India are applying for jobs as drivers, such is the desperate urgency for jobs, but even drivers are not getting jobs!

Angry youth poured out their grievances sharing how while they protested nonviolently, the government officials attacked them with abuses and violence, beating them with sticks.  A youth shared how they could not cope with heavy family burdens and where parents were ill but they were unable to pay for hospital bills, which kept piling up. 

The youth talk about having insufficient low-quality food because food is an extravagance.  They clearly emphasize that the greatest need in the nation is jobs.  While the government blames the previous government for joblessness, the BJP government has brought it the greatest avalanche of joblessness, setting the worst mark in 45 years and the youth blame it all due to their bad policies.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on speaking up for the youth says their pain is real and “Who says these days are good?”

In this video below, an indignant youth is sharing how the police beat them up when they are peaceful and how his own mother, sick, groans with burdens of raising up money each month to pay hospital bills. The government has bridged themselves from the jobless ruth, rather criminalizing them when they ask for jobs. 

#Students की बात सटीक है उनके दर्द सच्चे हैं कौन कहता है ये दिन अच्छे हैं? #StudentsProtest #Unemployment — Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) January 28, 2022

BJP govt’s atrocities against our students are nowhere near an end. While the youth demand employment, all they receive in return is violence. #YouthWantsJustice — Congress (@INCIndia) January 29, 2022

Unemployed! #Unemployment — Satish Acharya (@satishacharya) January 29, 2022

Famous cartoonist Satish Acharya released a caricature on employment, which reeked of the sad story of unemployment in India. 

In a recent study, it was predicted that there may be more than eight million jobs required each year for India to keep its employment rate counterbalanced and stable, as its working-age population (above 15 years) is rising by 1.3 million every month, a new study has found.

On the other side, India’s employment rate has been dropping due to women leaving the job market, according to a World Bank report, ‘Jobless Growth?’, published on 15 April 2018.

While the male employment rate in India between 2005 and 2015 declined “very little”, the female employment rate declined by nearly five percent per year, data show.

It is studied that over 66% of India’s population is rural and of the 11 million Indians who lost jobs in 2018, over 80 percent of those losses occurred in rural India, and prospects for work in rural India are very poor which is why people flock to the cities.  However, COVID-19 too curbed the flow of businesses.  Demonetization saw a crash in business too, and the economy was hit drastically.

As per the statistics, India’s employment rate was 52 percent in 2015, below Nepal (81 percent), Maldives (66 percent), Bhutan (65 percent), and Bangladesh (60 percent) but above Pakistan (51 percent), Sri Lanka (49 percent) and Afghanistan (48 percent).

Justice for Army Students and Justice for Youth

Several trends for justice were raging on Twitter with another one, Justice for Army Students and Justice for Youth, where Rahul Gandhi again raised a voice and met with the perturbed Army students as the Indian Army has cancelled the Common Entrance Exam (CEE) which was scheduled to be held on 28 November 2021. The exam was to be conducted for the posts of Soldier General Duty. Sol GD), Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical (Soul CLK/SKT) and Soldier Tradesman.

Dear @HMOIndia Please try to understand and give the joining to all medical fit SSC GD 2018 Candidates. #JusticeForArmyStudents — Hansraj Meena (@HansrajMeena) January 29, 2022

Just happy faces because Indian Army loves him, the next Indian PM Rahul Gandhi to meet the delegates to ensure #JusticeForArmyStudents — Ankit Mayank (@mr_mayank) January 29, 2022

Choose a man who supports than crushes. #JusticeForArmyStudents — The Raga Times (@RagaTimes) January 29, 2022

#JusticeForArmyStudents support and share — Pappu Kumar (@PappuKu10424044) January 27, 2022

#JusticeForArmyStudents The problem of army's aspirants facing from previous 1-2 years ➡️CEE exam not conducted 2020 till now ➡️ Recruiting agency not loyal and not given an appropriate reason to not conducted exams ➡️Open rally not scheduled calendar for @adgpi @rajnathsingh — Narpat Daukiya (@NarpatDaukiya) January 29, 2022

The Indian Army had held many recruiting rallies for the candidates. These candidates were shortlisted on the basis of their application form.

Indian Army CEE 2021 Admission Cards were handed out to the candidates at the recruiting meeting place. The Indian Army CEE 2021 Admission Card was to mention the exam venue/venue, the date and time of the written exam and the details of the candidates.

However, the Indian Army canceled the exams, dashing the hope of thousands of aspiring Army students.  In fact, the Army exam has been postponed six times in 12 months and it appeared the Army did not really want to hire.

The basic requirements of the people need to be met and one of the essentials is jobs.  The fact that there are no jobs depicts poor governance, weak infrastructure, and bad planning and priorities. 


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