We Want No More Rubber Stamps as Presidents!
We don’t want any more rubber stamps as presidents! Most Indian presidents, just about 99% of them were unofficially called rubber stamps or puppets of the government over the ages. Having them meant funds flowing out of draining treasuries while they hardly did much for the languishing public.
The common citizen paid through noses and teeth for their existence, while they kept themselves inconspicuous on happy holiday zones and hardly seen or heard except for a Presidential Pardon pleaded by a prisoner.
I mean, when you thought of the president, you thought of a shadow, sinking in the dusk, hardly there, floating somewhere, some zoomed in and out of the land on foreign travels, suddenly appearing to sign some papers or free a prisoner or sentence them to the ghastly gallows. The Indian president's job was an unnecessary formality and a showpiece of the government to pretend they are functioning under the wings of the democracy.
The muzzled presidents were kept to stamp papers of the all-powerful Indian prime ministers who called all the heavy shots, while the poor president was just a puppet dancing to their tunes, a pathetic waste of money, if I may be so rude to say so.
In the whirling frenzied climate of the country, Indians need a new species of a president to step out of the shadows and sign papers that would shock the nation out of their sleeping socks. Such a revolutionary president who would even stun the prime minister!
We need a president who would keep the prime minister and politicians on their toes and make them accountable to the citizens because that’s why they voted for them.
We need a president who would be the voice of justice when the Courts of India are conveniently pretending they are busy with something else and ignoring the most serious life-threatening issues.
We need a president who would give a resounding roar when the cauldron is boiling amid politicians going a little crazy with things getting too inflammatory.
We don’t want a yes man or a yes woman as president of our country; we need more light and accountability.
Our politicians owe us, they keep us awake tossing with sleepless nights and headaches, popping pills to keep calm, rubbing Amrutanjan balm over our fevered brow.
We need a president who would actually have a conscience as a light shining in the darkness of the land to keep the politicians a little on their toes, now, surely Indian politicians would want someone to keep them bright, sharp and shining, and save the reputation of the country from going off track.
The primary duty of the Indian president is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law of India per Article 60. It is time we Indians really see a president perform the duty they are appointed for and not be a rubber stamp or puppet of the government.
However, there is a catch-22 in being the Indian president. Powerful personalities stay away from the post of the president for fear of being murdered, such as how judges and police officers have been murdered, so being the Indian President needs a person willing to walk on ice, with skills to bend and then play tough and execute.
We need a president with spunk and gumption, yet clever enough to balance it out with the politicians to save his or her own life....This requires extraordinary dexterity.
It is time India gets a revolutionary president who changes its old traditions of puppet happy zones.