They called me a little egg
No arms, face or legs
A little heart beating 24/7
A little soul, happy in oblivion
I loved my Mama’s voice
I would hear her speak
And my heart would leap with joy
I felt comforted within her warm walls
Felt safe secure as I never would fall
Then one sad cold day
To my deep painful dismay
I heard an evil stranger’s voice
He spoke about making a right choice.
Something did not feel right
Then suddenly, something
Hard and sharp ripped me like a knife
I cried Mama, “Help me, set me free!”
My Mama did not seem to hear me
That monster attacked me with sadistic glee
I felt so helpless, Mama seemed far away
My world turned dark and gray
And then I faded away
I still ask her now
Mama, do you hear me?
If you do
Help others to go free…
May they never
End up like me…
Because everyone deserves
A chance to be
This poem is not a judgement on anyone..God knows. I wote this poem a few years back and really wept as I wrote it. After I heard my son's heartbeat few weeks in the womb, I cried hard because he was a life depending on me...