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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Why Should Celebrities Speak Up? #SpeakUpIndia #Celebs #Bollywood #SportsStars

Why Should Celebrities Speak Up?

Are celebrities obligated to the migrants, farmers or the others, are they obligated to speak against communal hatred and riots? Absolutely not! They don’t owe anyone a naya paisa. Their persistent hard work raised them to stardom. They would have never become stars without their own long hours, sweat and toil. Of course, we know that people do not become stars without an audience, but that is beside the point. The masses and mobs keep changing, so it does not matter which ones, one way or another! Of course, we cannot help noting that when their new movies are released, most of the crowds that throng to overflowing movie halls to watch their movies are the poor, farmers among the others giving them their highest colossal revenues, but this point is immaterial.

Or that that crazy fans of sports, olympics and cricket are from all sections of society, from all people of India, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikhs, atheists, Buddhists, Jains, and others.

Why should they take risks of speaking out for the migrants, farmers, or the poor or for the women being brutally raped and murdered? Or why should they speak up against the new high-rise in petrol taxes and petrol and diesel. I mean, why should they speak up for anything, they are actors, sports stars, great people and not social workers! They are not here to speak up for anyone. Meant only to act and entertain us. I mean, the Stars will be trolled heavily they must never take such risks. Remember how certain fanatic groups threatened to kill them and cut off their noses and hands when some Stars were brave enough to speak up? Remember how savagely they are trolled even if they pen a line of defense for the afflicted? Do our Stars need to take such magnanimous risks and live at the edge of the sword? No, no, no, they must not!

We are we and they are they. I mean even if they are locked up, and they get bailed out faster than we can say hat, (99% I mean), still, they mustn’t take such perils. Of course, we do not have big waves to dish us of jail if we do get locked up, but that is besides the point. In fact, no one will know if we are in chains, but the Stars must never take those tribulations.

Are celebrities obligated to speak up for the minorities? For the killed Dalits, for the Muslims being humiliated, lynched, killed, settlements burned, and mowed down? For the Christians being attacked, some even killed, churches broken among other means to intimidate? No no, it’s none of their business, for they must continue their business.

Why should celebs speak up on the plight of the migrants, farmers, or the hate speech or fake propaganda against the Muslims, the cruelty to the Dalits, rapes on women and children, or the suppression against weaker sections? I mean, why should they play with fire? Why should they speak up when women and children are being brutally raped and murdered? No..they should keep out of these controversial topics. Some, however, did speak up valiantly when a poor elephant was killed in Kerala in a hunter’s trap.

They did speak out when China attacked our Indian jawans and some actors valiantly banned TikTok, the Chinese App. What a marvelous thing to do! I mean, they do not have any obligation to do anything. They are earning, just as everyone else does. Except that citizens like us take the plunge and do speak out, but why should Stars mess up their hands in muddy waters. No, no, no, they must not take such risks as their careers will get ruined. I mean, our lives may be ruined too if we speak out, and we have our fears too, but that is inconsequential.

Now for Hollywood, it is okay when they speak because it is America. John Cusack, Beyoncé, Jamie Foxx and Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna among other superstars can protest for the ill-treated. Only that we did not realize that Hollywood too does pay a price when they speak out, their movies are boycotted and recently, some got hit by rubber bullets during the recent George Floyd protest. The celebrity stars, however, must never take those stands and should never get into dirty politics; however, this is only speaking up for lynched, hated, not dirty politics, but never mind, this is how they look at it.

Now, America is a democracy, but our country is not safe. No, no, no, Celebs, keep safe, stay home and stay safe.

Update: Why should they speak about the mismanagement of Corona, the lynches, the pain of people dying without oxygen? Why why why…Why should they speak up for the mowed-down murdered farmers, the endless farmers’ protests, why?

The great news is Neeraj Chopra, Swara Bhaskar, Zeeshan Ayyub, Anurag Kashyap, Aparna Sen, Deepika Padukone, Prakash Raj, Naseer Ud Din, among others do heroically speak up for the hurting, and they are still there. They have taken great risks at the price of their movies boycotted, popularity dropping due to heavy propaganda droned down against them. It takes great courage in the face of fear of reprisals to do what you do, but you do it. It is risky for all citizens, but they are sticking out their necks, reaching out hands to each other and gallantly speaking up for the oppressed.

In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.


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