The world is reeling on the wheels of violence, hatred, crime, lynching, rapes, and despotic governments, reinforced by leaders who close their eyes, pretending nothing is wrong. All is all, we wonder where is God? Does He see all this? What is He doing? Eight-year-old Asifa was brutally gang raped and murdered recently in India, and the nation has forgotten. A question rose in million hearts at that time, “Why did God allow this!” I am shocked and hurting at the brutality of rapes and murders rising…right now. In fact, we all are.
I recently heard a lady who said she turned atheist when 100 children were charred to death in a fire, and God did nothing about it. She said bitterly, “He could have stopped it!” I remember my wonderful- tender hearted generous Uncle who stopped believing in God because there was so much sorrow and suffering on earth and God seemed silent on the matter. There is a raging evil in the world and to millions of us on Earth, it seems Creator seems to look on indifferently.
As I pondered over this, I had thoughts afresh on this, in a flow:
The Truth:
God is sovereign, and can change everything in a moment, He works in the darkest times to bring out purest joys and treasures in our life.
Remember, after the darkest night is always the most beautiful dawn, after the violent storm is always sweet warm sunlight and after things get worse, life will always get better, brighter and happier.
Now, God did not make us puppets on Earth. He wants our involvement in action, planting seeds, watering and working in action. He wants us also spiritually involved in the realm of prayer. Our passivity is one of the greatest crimes we can do! Passivity and indifference makes way for evil to enlarge!
Prayer is universal all over the world. God created an inborn need in every human being to pray. However, some of us reject or crush that natural flow in us due to several reasons, but it is there in every human. In times of crisis, even atheists may pray because that natural flow of prayer gets awakened.
3. Humans are finite, and they cannot grasp the infinite, so yes, when we see things as they are, it looks as if God does not care and He doesn’t stop things and we lose our faith in God and stop praying and that is what the devil wants.
4. In the last days, the evil will increase: 2 Timothy 3 King James Version 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” We are in the last days, 80% of the prophesies from the Bible are fulfilled.
5. Humans open doors to evil by worshiping fallen angels, demons, black magic, witchcraft. They are releasing more evil into the world by worshiping evil powers. The more people delve in the occult, the more darkness it will release on the earth.
God’s Answer:
1. One day in Heaven, you will know why, and on Earth, the Holy Spirit shows us, teaches us and illumines these truths to our heart and gives us supernatural comfort and strength to bear all things. He works in the fullness of Time. Remember, He seems silent, but working powerfully behind the scenes, you cannot see it, but some of the best works of His have come out after a greater evil on Earth. The darkest times will refine us and in the silence, am achieving the greatest works and wonders. “Be still and know I am God.”
2. This is a fallen world and Satan is the temporary god of this earth meaning his power is not restricted because he was thrown towards earth when he fell from Heaven.
3. We can take back territory from Satan, and tear down evil strongholds so they come crashing down only through prayer, not violence, not force, not an eye for an eye, but prayer.
4. The truth is you are not praying enough. Do we realize that as you pray more, you release more angelic intervention in the world to defeat the darkness and bring down wicked strongholds?
“Have you heard of the dark ages? People lived prayer-less lives at that time. There is a commandment to pray for the people of the nation, 1 Timothy 2: 1:2″I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”
As we pray, the overall, the tide of evil will be reduced through our prayers, for more angelic intervention in worldly affairs to bring eternal change for the Earth. If we do not, more evil will overtake nations. It is our duty. Yes, we should pray for one another, very important, but a prayer burden for the nation should be there and then evil will be restrained.
See history and the people that prayed and the differences that happened in those nations.
Friends, the Spirit has taught me how to have a deeper burden to pray, pray at all times and for others, I have seen prayer changing lives and situations and that has sustained and strengthened me as well and transformed my own life. Come let us pray!” I have prayed for angelic intervention and have seen the tides change in the operations of the world system. We can do it through prayer!
God is not the author of evil but we allowed evil to rule us if we did not pray much.
Rita Farhat Kurian