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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

The Wise Men

A 4-minute read

The New Testament does not give the names of the Magi, nor does it tell us there were three, nor does it tell us they were kings. However, traditions and legends identify a variety of different names for them. In the Western Christian church, they have been all regarded as saints and are commonly known as wise man of great learning. They are called the Magi, the Greek word ‘magos’ (where the English word ‘magic’ comes from). Magos comes from the old Persian word ‘Magupati’. This was the title given to priests in a sect of the ancient Persian religions such as Zoroastrianism. Today we’d called them astrologers. Those days, both astronomy and astrology were highly scientific and advanced studies following the patterns of stars religiously. (However, we are not to look at the stars for future prophesies today as given in several places in the Bible. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us today).

These wise men often travelled through the route of spice trade, often through Arabia, Persia, and India and had many variations to their names and many claims to their origin. These names and origins are taken from a Greek manuscript composed in Alexandria around 500, and which has been translated into Latin titled Excerpta Latina Barbari

Balthasar is often represented as a king of Arabia or wise man. Balthazar gives the gift of Myrrh to Jesus. Myrrh represents a rich intense perfume put on dead bodies for preservation and aroma. This is symbolic of the suffering of Christ and His death.

Melchior as a king of Persia, or a Persian scholar; Melchior gives the Gold to Jesus. Gold represents royalty, kingship and ruling and symbolically was given to Jesus Christ as the King of Kings.

Gaspar as a king of India. According to Ernst Herzfeld, his name goes after the Afghan city Kandahar, which he is said to have founded under the name Gundopharron.

Gaspar brought Frankincense to Christ. Frankincense represents worship, and was symbolic of the worship that would be given to Christ as God, the Son. Isaiah 9 “He will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God.”

Some Points about the Wise Men:

1. They searched: The Wise Men studied and kept learning; likewise they were prepared for things to come. This brought wisdom and insight into their lives. Their learning in noble cleanness brought a purity to their hearts and were delighted to learn that a Messiah would be born and were willing to worship Him. God saw their purity and called them into the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the calling of our Christian lives, we need to study Scripture diligently and be prepared. People who do not study, meditate on the Word of God come out with strange new doctrines. As recently we heard someone say that we believers of Christ are the third temple! Wrong and false teachings arise out of not studying Scripture line upon line, precept upon precept as in Isaiah 28:10, but rather to appease our own emotions, wishes and desires.

Perhaps for some of us, our New Year’s resolution could be to study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. There are many One-Year study Bibles that help us to chart that out very beautifully!

2. They obeyed: The Wise Men obeyed what they read and learned. They did not sit on it and wait around and they did not waste time. They rose up and went to look for Christ after discovering about Him in their books. Likewise, when we hear a truth that resonates within us, we need to be obedient to it and not sit around on it, thinking we will do it later. How often it happens and how disastrous it can turn out in our procrastination. The time is now, and the time is short!

3. They found: Their search was not in vain. They found the Christ child and they were able to worship Him. This resulted in great reward for them. God warned them in dreams how to escape out of King Herod’s murderous spree and they were able to go via another route to their own countries. They were blessed and favoured by God, visited upon by the angels.

This is how our lives turn out when we find what God wants for us. May this Christmas and New Year be blessed as we keep searching, obeying and finding what God has planned for us.

© Rita F. Kurian

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