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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

The Truth Encounter

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

September 27 – The Truth Encounter

John 8:32: Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

If we are going through many difficult attacks on our mind, soul, and body, it is often rooted deep into a lie, twisted and concocted. The source of our mental pain can be fed by the other kingdom to disturb and work against us spewing out clouds of confusion and chaos to fill us with negativity. Perhaps we struggle with anger, lust, hatred, and much more. Many of us are unaware of the invisible forces at work against us, the traumatic effects of our past and the assault on our lives daily which wear us down finally.

Remember Jesus is the Truth. We have to go to Him our great deliverer to deliver us from the lies of Satan. He has the power to break every lie keeping us in bondage, set us free to love, worship and hear fresh thoughts from Him. Ask Him, “Jesus, ignite me with Your Truth and surgically root out the lies.” We do this because Jesus is Truth. John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

It is also important to discern and name and pull down those strongholds in our lives. To make it more real, you may take a pen, paper and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the strongholds in your life. Once we identify them, name them and renounce them out of our lives, God has full access to fill those areas with His deliverance and Truth. Then, the miracle happens. We move on to the beautiful plains of God’s washing cleansing reviving rain, where we are nourished by the Lord. Joel 2:23 So rejoice, O sons of Zion, And be glad in the LORD your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication And He has poured down for you the rain, The early and latter rain as before. Walking, talking and listening to God brings revival in our lives..

When we walk and talk to the Lord, it starts to rain spiritual beautiful sparkling rain that washes away the dirt and dross, and works of darkness against our lives. All negative works are destroyed. We suddenly get renewed energy, renewed conversations and fresh love again, fresh wind and fresh fire. In His presence as we always say, miracles happen, we begin to see wonders and miracles in our daily living, we start to see things in a new way, our spiritual understanding is sharpened.

There are life-transforming encounters with Christ of different people whose lives changed with a single encounter with God. If a single encounter can change a life so much, a daily encounter through communion with God can do greater wonders and miracles. Sometimes we get stuck on the sands of yesterday in our one-time encounter. Let us go beyond the initial encounter and meet God daily and walk a new life where it begins to rain again. With His riches, beauty, miracles, love, and abundance.

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