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Strange New Teachings on The Name of Jesus!

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

Recently, we are meeting people who are warning us that God, Lord, and Jesus are not names of God and we are calling upon something else unless we use the proper names of God. Makes us wonder, we got saved by the Name of Jesus, delivered by the name of Jesus, called on God, said Lord. Did our Creator allow us to be deceived for over 2000 years and now, at the tail end of times, almost before the Second Coming of Christ, we are warned that we were using false names all along!

Someone wrote this recently, ‘Alert warning please read this! Call on the Real Name of Yahuah! our Creator and Lord and God are not names. Yahuah’s Son is Yahusha, not Yeshua, & not Jesus. We have been deceived for years!!!!!! by satan. Make sure you call Him, by His name. Those other titles, because they are wrong, many bible’s hide His true name because of the god of this world, which is satan. I want to respect my Creator’s name. I told you this because it’s highly important! for our Salvation. Repent, change, delete all names that are not His.”

Friends, you are welcome to call Jesus Yahuah or Yeshua as in the Hebrew! It is your wish and desire. But to teach others that unless they don’t call Him Yahuah, they are not saved or calling Jesus is calling a false god is a false teaching!

The name Jesus used in the English New Testament comes from the Latin form of the Greek name Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous), a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), related to the name Joshua. The name is thus related to the Hebrew verb root √yšʿ “rescue, deliver” and one of its noun forms, yešuaʿ “deliverance”.There have been various proposals as to how the literal etymological meaning of the name should be translated, including YHWH saves, (is) salvation, (is) a saving-cry, (is) a cry-for-saving, (is) a cry-for-help, (is) my help. In India, we call Him Yeshu…does it mean those who call on Yeshu are not saved, delivered, or believing something false?

This early Biblical Hebrew name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Yehoshuaʿ underwent a shortening into later Biblical יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshua`, as found in the Hebrew text of verses Ezra 2:2, 2:6, 2:36, 2:40, 3:2, 3:8, 3:9, 3:10, 3:18, 4:3, 8:33; Nehemiah 3:19, 7:7, 7:11, 7:39, 7:43, 8:7, 8:17, 9:4, 9:5, 11:26, 12:1, 12:7, 12:8, 12:10, 12:24, 12:26; 1 Chronicles 24:11; and 2 Chronicles 31:15 – as well as in Biblical Aramaic at verse Ezra 5:2. These Bible verses refer to ten individuals (in Nehemiah 8:17, the name refers to Joshua son of Nun ). This historical change may have been due to a phonological shift whereby guttural phonemes weakened, including [h].Usually, the traditional theophoric element Yahuיהו was shortened at the beginning of a name to יו Yo-, and at the end to יה -yah. In the contraction of Yehoshua` to Yeshua`, the vowel is instead fronted (perhaps due to the influence of the y in the triliteral root y-š-ʿ). During the post-Biblical period the further shortened form Yeshu was adopted by Hebrew speaking Jews to refer to the Christian Jesus, however Yehoshua continued to be used for the other figures called Jesus.However, both the Western and Eastern Syriac Christian traditions use the Aramaic name ܝܫܘܥ (in Hebrew script: ישוע) Yeshuʿ and Yishoʿ, respectively, including the ʿayin LanguageName/variantHaitian CreoleJeziHausaYesuHawaiianJesuHebrewYeshu ישו (Jewish, secular) / Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ (Christian)

Let us look at the history of how the Bible came to us in English, with great sweat, blood and a high price, surely not to deceive us, surely satan was not with those who translated the Bible to English and other languages. Is God so weak that He cannot protect the origins of the Bible as brought to the people and the original King James! We cannot mock our forefathers, who paid the price of death to bring us what we have today.

Many of us scoff at Martin Luther, but he was used mightily by God to bring home the truth Salvation by Grace alone and not works, which truth was drowned in the dark ages. Some Christians consider him from the old school of thought because he was Lutheran, not realizing what he fought for in the Spirit. He brought us back to the Book of Acts Church, the freedom to worship God ourselves and not through priests, the Bible for all, not for selected laity, and salvation through Faith alone through the grace of God, not through deeds. He was nearly martyred for that, and others who returned to the Bible of the 1st century were killed, burned to to the stalk for teaching “error” While the Baptism of the Holy Spirit was not emphasized by them, the Lord had reasons to hold that for seasons, while bringing the church to wholeness after centuries of being crushed. In His time, the Pentecostal awakening arose more in the early 1900s. Remember, we are in God’s clock. He caused it in His time, and once again, is awaking the churches in a third wave of revival.

I remember many people of other faiths came to Christ because they realized that the scriptures were not corrupted and carefully guarded from the early times, fiercely protected even by the disciples of Jesus, and the translators of the Bible were very protective and militant by the Holy Spirit to keep out error in the Scripture or change of meaning. Martin Luther, a mighty scholar deeply studied the original scripts of the Bible and realized the erroneous teaching in the Roman Catholic church with idolatry, veneration of saints, displacement of the mediation of Christ by Mary and purgatory, man-glorified god-like roles of priests, replacing the believer priesthood of Christians etc., and returned back to the original teachings of the Bible which was why the Reformation Movement was a return to the origin scriptures after the creeping in of idolatry and other practices by the Roman Catholic church. To say that Martin Luther and others like William Tyndale brought in error when they in fact returned to the truth of the Bible is a very dangerous new teaching rising up in Christianity today.

The ones before that paid a very high price. With that high price, they left us a heritage through the Holy Spirit. Today perhaps for new sensational doctrines, people are spiraling up new teachings to attract new crowds. Perhaps it is the very reverse, the new doctrines want us to call on another name of God, Jesus, just before the end, so many more will be deceived.

The very first bible in English was translated by William Tyndale. William Tyndale could speak seven languages and mastered in ancient Hebrew and Greek. He was a priest whose intellectual gifts and disciplined life could have taken him the great highway in the church—had he not had one passion: to teach English men and women the good news of justification by faith.

Tyndale had discovered this doctrine when he read Erasmus’s Greek edition of the New Testament. What better way to share this message with his countrymen than to put an English version of the New Testament into their hands? This, in fact, became Tyndale’s life passion, aptly summed up in the words of his mentor, Erasmus: “Christ desires his mysteries to be published abroad as widely as possible. I would that [the Gospels and the epistles of Paul] were translated into all languages, of all Christian people, and that they might be read and known.”Timeline1456Gutenberg produces first printed bible1479Establishment of Spanish Inquisition1488First complete Hebrew Old Testament1494William Tyndale born1536William Tyndale dies1555Latimer and Ridley burned at stake

This was a Holy Spirit inspired passion for which Tyndale would pay highly with his own life.

Genius translator

He was a native of Gloucester and began his studies at Oxford in 1510, later moving on to Cambridge. By 1523 his passion had been ignited; in that year he sought permission and funds from the bishop of London to translate the New Testament. The bishop denied his request, and further queries convinced Tyndale the project would not be welcomed anywhere in England.

To find a hospitable environment, he traveled to the free cities of Europe—Hamburg, Wittenberg, Cologne, and finally to the Lutheran city of Worms. There, in 1525, his New Testament emerged: the first translation from Greek into the English language. It was quickly smuggled into England, where it received a less-than-enthusiastic response from the authorities. King Henry VIII, Cardinal Wolsey, and Sir Thomas More, among others, were furious. It was, said More, “not worthy to be called Christ’s testament, but either Tyndale’s own testament or the testament of his master Antichrist.”

Authorities bought up copies of the translation (which, ironically, only financed Tyndale’s further work) and hatched plans to silence Tyndale.

Meanwhile Tyndale had moved to Antwerp, a city in which he was relatively free from both English agents and those of the Roman (and Catholic) Empire. For nine years he managed with the help of friends to evade authorities, revise his New Testament, and begin translating the Old. His translations, it would turn out, became decisive in the history of the English Bible, and of the English language. Nearly a century later, when translators of the Authorized, or King James Version, debated how to translate the original languages, eight of ten times, they agreed that Tyndale had it best to begin with.

Betrayal: During these years, Tyndale also gave himself methodically to good works because, as he said, “My part be not in Christ if mine heart be not to follow and live according as I teach.” On Mondays he visited other religious refugees from England. On Saturdays he walked Antwerp’s streets, seeking to minister to the poor. On Sundays he dined in merchants’ homes, reading Scripture before and after dinner. The rest of the week he devoted to writing tracts and books and translating the Bible.

We do not know who planned and financed the plot that ended his life (whether English or continental authorities), but we do know it was carried out by Henry Phillips, a man who had been accused of robbing his father and of gambling himself into poverty. Phillips became Tyndale’s guest at meals and soon was one of the few privileged to look at Tyndale’s books and papers.

In May 1535, Phillips lured Tyndale away from the safety of his quarters and into the arms of soldiers. Tyndale was immediately taken to the Castle of Vilvorde, the great state prison of the Low Countries, and accused of heresy. Trials for heresy in the Netherlands were in the hands of special commissioners of the Roman Empire. It took months for the law to take its course. During this time, Tyndale had many hours to reflect on his own teachings, such as this passage from one of his tracts: “Let it not make thee despair, neither yet discourage thee, O reader, that it is forbidden thee in pain of life and goods, or that it is made breaking of the king’s peace, or treason unto his highness, to read the Word of thy soul’s health—for if God be on our side, what matter maketh it who be against us, be they bishops, cardinals, popes.”

Finally, in early August 1536, Tyndale was condemned as a heretic, degraded from the priesthood, and delivered to the secular authorities for punishment. On Friday, October 6, after local officials took their seats, Tyndale was brought to the cross in the middle of the town square and given a chance to recant. That refused, he was given a moment to pray. English historian John Foxe said he cried out, “Lord, open the King of England’s eyes!” Then he was bound to the beam, and both an iron chain and a rope were put around his neck. Gunpowder was added to the brush and logs. At the signal of a local official, the executioner, standing behind Tyndale, quickly tightened the noose, strangling him. Then an official took up a lighted torch and handed it to the executioner, who set the wood ablaze. All said in all, persecution only always made the church stronger, made Christians more united and always sent a fresh wave of revival. No one could snuff out the Bible or Christians…people may try to change it, modify it to suit their beliefs, but in the end, its Truth will outlive every lie.

John Lennon (Singer): Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said: ‘Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that.. I am certain. Jesus was okay, but His subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him’ (1966). Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.

Why does this need to be shared? Because to believe that God allowed us to be deceived by allowing a false name such as Jesus or Yeshua to be used for so long is a weak argument at this time and age. To think that the people who brought us the Bible were deceivers is sad. It is very dangerous to teach the Bible is in error. Very soon we will have a new influx of different teachings updated from different sources and in time, they will change the Bible completely. As we are learning, scholars with high PhDs are bringing in new parchments of scrolls claiming they have the original..which no one can validate. The Bible has been very clear about that from the Old to the New Testament and there can be nothing there to insert. If it was never said, it would never be mentioned.

Again, the price paid to bring the Bible to the masses was a one that cost life, and these were lovers of God, passionate for His word and truth. We know, some died brutally. They stood for truth inspired by the Holy Spirit in what they did. They rose up against all arms to translate the Bible in its purity, to the people of the day. If God was not with them, then who was? And through this, we were set free from bonds. There was a time in the dark ages when the masses did not have access to the Bible. Only priests would read out the Bible to the ignorant, and deceive them with their own doctrines. The Bible protects itself and it protects us. To say that the Bible was allowed to be printed with so much error is to say that the Holy Spirit was not with these men.

Over the centuries, people have called on God, Abba, Yeshua, Jesus, and were saved, delivered, protected and people caste out demons in the Name of Jesus. I could share countless testimonies on calling on the name of Jesus, first on my salvation and countless times when under attack. His Name brought instant peace, deliverance and calm. There are some situations when all one does is call JESUS, the situation transforms immediately, there is power in the Name of Jesus..power in the Names of God as given in the Bible, let not some strange new doctrine confuse masses. Someone makes a new YouTube paying no price and then degrades men and women in past centuries who paid a high price to bring us the Bible is no small joke..We are at the very end of times, nearly all the prophesies have come to pass..and now, let us call on the Name of Jesus/Yeshua, the name that saved us and not divulge to saying these are false names. Amen!

Rita F. Kurian


  1. Strong’s Concordance

  2. Jump up^ Philo, De Mutatione Nominum, §21

  3. Jump up^ Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius, Hebrew and English Lexicon With an Appendix Containing the Biblical Aramaic (Hendrickson, 1985), ISBN 0-913573-20-5. Cf. Blue Letter Bible

  4. Jump up^ Elisha Qimron, The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Harvard Semitic Studies: Scholars Press 1986), p.25

  5. Matthew Henry

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