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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Spirit, Soul, Body Series 4

The Lord is intrinsically concerned about our physical body because He created it. We unlike angels and spirits have bodies too, so we are a unique creation. The sins in our body affect our spiritual life heavily. Now, our physical conditions affect our behaviour greatly. Suppose one has sensitive nerves, they can become hysterical and angry quite easily, or cry readily. Low serotonin levels in our brain cause many of us to be prone to depression, to elevate it to the drastic act of suicide. Overindulgence in food could be a deficiency in the body -due to leptin resistance. Leptin, a hormone produced by body fat, controls whether or not you feel full after eating. The body secretes leptin when you’ve had enough to eat and tells your brain you’re full. The danger is when chronically ill people begin to use their illness as a crutch. They stop believing God for healing or praying about it With an emotional blackmail lying spirit of Satan, people often come under the spirits of affliction which do not leave them unless cast out. As we see in the ministry of Christ, He most of the time caste out the spirit of affliction…interesting! He did not simply pray for healing but more often rebuked and cast out the diseases controlling people.

We got to discern whether it is body malfunctioning, but the old sin nature playing up or if we are under the influence of demons. In many cases, the three merge together because demons do gravitate more to us when we are weak to attack us. Demons remind me of vultures, they hang around sick and dying animals and attack for the kill. So the secret is this, we got to keep the harmony of the body, soul and spirit up under the authority of the spirit so even in sickness, we are not smashed down.

The wonderful truth about Jesus is can deliver us from ourselves, our sins and physical illnesses. .He desires us to walk daily in the power of His resurrection in order that our body too may live by Him. Our bodies are quickened through the resurrection life of Christ in us.

If we understand the power of consecrating our bodies to Christ daily, we bring our bodies under the law of the spirit and healing will be swifter for us. If we use our bodies ruled by the law of the flesh succumbing to lusts, pleasures, greed, we most definitely will not experience swifter healing.

Yet again, when God does miracles, He does it in spite of us. The danger is if we persist in some hidden sin, which allows the demonic re-entry to control and afflict us

Remember God is for us and says and no Christian can exist outside of Christ, because our daily strength is supplied by Him. When the Lord takes over, it is amazing, the words of our mouth from the meditation of our hearts are powerful and life changing.

However, when we often see Christians bickering among each other and this can only happen when the inner life is not nourished, so when they speak, they use their body, “tongue” to abuse others. This means our body has supplanted our spirit where our spirit loses its power of operating in its rightful authority because the body has roughly sat on the top ruling over the soul and spirit. Our earthen vessels cannot handle this kind of pressure when the flesh rules over spirit. Our physical body keeps getting weaker. In fact, if we live by the arm of the flesh without relying on the Holy Spirit, we will notice we get exhausted, tired, stressed, trying to meet targets and we cannot keep up, tempers fly and blood pressure rises, many start getting cardiac diseases and other malfunctioning hits the body.

We worship God with our bodies, and when the Holy Spirit moves , people cry, fall down, and display other manifestations, evoked by the Holy Spirit. This is holy overshadowed by God.

Now evil spirits in the air watch this and as disembodied spirits, they always crave human bodies. So they watch for the weaker ones, who are not submitted to Christ and walk in their flesh. They want to possess a human body. Now, this is the big point of deception. Christians often want to see the evidence of physical manifestations in a spiritual meeting. We have seen people shaking their hands, shouting loudly, jumping around, shivering and all sorts. While I am not criticizing it, this is when the evil spirits hover around to seize the opportunity to invade “fleshy” Christians. This is why the Bible warns us never to be lukewarm but hot or cold. The in-between zone is the danger one.

While I do not believe a true believer can be possessed by a demon because we believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, many do get oppressed when evil spirit gain a lot of ground in a Christian’s life. They hold a place in their soul. However, they are those who may not be born-again, so it is easier for demons to possess them. This is why we see heinous crimes, murders and horror because humans possessed by demons commit these.

In Ephesians 4:27, the apostle Paul writes, “Neither give place to the devil.” The word “place” is the Greek word topos. It refers to a specific, marked-off, geographical territory, province, region, zone, or geographical region. Satan is territorial and he wants it all. So if in a public meeting, we play big importance to physician manifestation of the flesh, he has us, and his cohorts find those entry points and control our behaviour to bring our downfall.

. But we don’t have to fall victim to the enemy’s tactics. We can say, “No, you’re not going to do this!” We know the areas where he wants to get us so we rebuke him in Jesus name and command him and his demons to leave. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ, so we don’t have to let the devil run all over us. The Bible boldly declares, “…Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Rita F. Kurian

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