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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

September 3 – Frogs in Teacups #spiritualinspiration

September 3 – Frogs in Teacups

Philippians 2:4: Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Frogs in Teacups:  A frog is an amphibian who thinks the world of himself.  He lives in a well and thinks that this is the great big world. The frog never thinks of others or their pain and suffering because they are so bloated up with themselves.  A frog has the capacity to swell up with pride, allegorically speaking, and burst with pride into smithereens to nothing.  This is the syndrome of certain people in position, who swell up in pride, living in a teacup thinking this is the world, that their little world is the whole world and they never think of a day of accountability, living in the wells of  narcissism and they think everything is about them.

Over the passage of time, the indifference of those in authority are hurting different people in “lower positions”.  People in higher positions rarely reach out to the hurting or talk to people who are not up to their “caliber.”

This is happening in all levels of society. Today, we have the caste system too in India, which is dividing the higher castes from the lower castes, and then we have religion dividing us, and then social strata where high-born echelons look down on the poor.

Somehow, many in authority who could be helping more have just closed their eyes and lived in their own castles and teacups while the poor hobble down dusty roads during these very hard times of COVID-19.

Pride goes before a fall.  That frog in the teacup one day will swell up and burst itself to smithereens.  .

The bottom-line is narcissism is keeping people in higher levels glued to teacups, where their ethical and spiritual wings are clipped.  Such will never fly to greater heights, and the blessings cannot be poured down from Heaven to touch and transform them all because of their frog in the teacup mentality where the teacup is their world and they cannot see the pain and suffering of other people.  It is time to jump out of the teacup and feel the pain of others!


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