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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Resurrection Life

A 3-minute read

Who is Jesus? He is the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Way, the Truth and the Life and He is the Resurrection and the Life. He is the Good Shepherd.” Psalm 23 taking care of His sheep throughout their lives.

Resurrection Life: Jesus defeated death in order to become the Resurrection. He triumphed disarming Satan’s power. This is why when we die, He made the direct route to Heaven. Our physical body lies in the grave, but our soul unites with God in Heaven. On the last day, when Christ returns, our physical body rises up in a gloried new body. Until then, we remain in Heaven as souls without a glorified body.

Satan has no power over us unless we open doors to let him in and give him power because on the Cross, Jesus cried out “IT IS FINISHED” and Satan and his foes were put under the feet of Christ. Today, we walk in the finished work of Christ. It is accomplished, FINITO! We just have to walk in it.

How do we walk in Resurrection Life?

1. On believing in Christ and the work on the Cross, He starts to work inside our hearts. The Holy Spirit who is a Person dwells within us. Imagine! We have the Spirit dwelling in us, but many of us still choose to walk in the flesh. We have to die daily to our flesh, nailing it to the Cross! This enables us to walk in the spirit, in Christ’s resurrection life. What is the flesh? Our natural wants which can rule us, our angers, our frustrations, our jealousies, competition, greed for money, power, control, revenge, our sense for justice where we cry vengeance , ..all this has to be nailed to the Cross daily. We have to activate the Resurrection Life in Christ by walking in faith daily, not according to our flesh, our thoughts, our fears and our natural mind, but Christ’s mind working in us. Submit to Him, the devil will flee and the Holy Spirit will activate your spiritual life to a new depth in the power of His resurrection.

When we walk in resurrection life daily, all our strongholds in our lives and minds, all chains, yolks and bondages are broken and His Spiritual blessings are released unto us. Righteousness, joy, peace and the Holy Spirit, that’s the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives. Our life becomes abundant. . Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life, abundant life!”

2. Faith Declaration Words: Start to release words of faith against words of doubt. As we keep on speaking in faith, our mortal bodies are quickened. As I shared in Mrs. Nithau’s Simick’s testimony, when she was dying of cancer, she started to claim all the Bible verses of faith, and healing, declaring it. She was unable to speak at that time but God heard her heart. The Father quickens our bodies, and our words of faith release things that are tied up and bound, and remove things out of our pathway that need to go.

3. Proclaim the Blood of Yeshua each day over you, bind the works of darkness against your life and family each day, ask God daily to release angels to protect you and work on behalf of you as angels are our ministering spirits. Keep declaring and speaking standing on the finished work of Christ.

This is the resurrection life flowing through you, activated by the power of your words of faith, obedience, walk .all in Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life.

© Rita F. Kurian

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