THE SUPERNATURAL WORLD On November 18th, as I was lying down, and praying, I saw two visions, the first one was a darkened sky, and above, I saw the succession of the gods as I recognize them…watching and their eyes seemed to see me! They looked grim and menacing, there were about six of them, and I know them by picture. At the end of the vision, I saw an oval shape of perhaps a hundred convex swords, daggers. It looked like weaponry. The gods were on a warpath! I should have been alarmed and I was a bit, but then, I know who I am in Christ. I also know that I am hid in Christ, protected by His Blood, shielded, and defended by Christ’s angels and a child of God who protects me. No demon has the power to touch me beyond what God may permit, if He does. (Note, the gods are the fallen angels that people worship, which is why Yahweh is the Almighty God…the only God, the Great Creator of the Universe and all the Heavens, powers and principalities. He never created an evil Universe, but one third of the angels wanted His glory, rebelled against Him, and became the fallen angels when they were thrown out of Heaven in the Greatest Supernatural War. We will have yet another GREATER SUPERNATURAL WAR when Christ returns to set up His Kingdom on Earth..the New Jerusalem..the Heavenly City come down to Earth. In that LAST WAR, Satan and his angels and demons will be defeated forever!)
The second vision I saw was a multitude of people who looked like the saints of God on earth. They were standing together and then gigantic dark waves came over them three times. Though the waves tried to harm them, they bounced off and could not harm them, though they succeeded in bringing a few disturbances, but the people stood strong, and unwavering.
The interpretation of this vision is that the enemy is sending and will be sending dark waves, disturbances to God’s people, yet the waves have no power to penetrate the saints of God or shift them demonically if they are rooted in Christ in an abiding relationship. The dark waves may cause unease or unrest, bad dreams, or fights, but all will be resolved because the saints of Christ are unshakable and protected by Christ. No evil can prevail over God’s children…no weapon against them can prosper. Praise God!
Today, we downplay the dark undercurrents in a Christian’s life. We cannot believe that a Christian can be affected by anything. The Bible teaches us about spiritual warfare, but we mysteriously miss those verses or their implications. For some strange reason, we believe we are infallible or that God has allowed it so we can do nothing about it. In this belief, many never pray for protection or cast down evil or rebuke it and many a great man and great woman have been hit by some catastrophe or personal sin, and oh, that fall is great!
In the age of rationalism and modernization, we underestimate the power of prayer and the prayer meeting has the least turnouts. If we are able to, we should attending prayer meetings.
. True, many, many believers are instantly set free and delivered when they believe in the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, there are others who are still entrapped in their souls due to a heavy family history of black magic or curses. They would need someone to walk along with them and help them to stand and that process is slow and long. This is why we need the warriors; this is why we need to become those warriors…walking in the Fire of God’s Presence to pray for others and intercede for them.
1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Here are some of the dark waves that operate in our lives. I call it dark waves because they move silently over us, and we are often unaware of their insidious workings unless the Holy Spirit throws lift over their workings. Let us be alert of these dark waves which permeate our lives from the world system and even in our churches and among us.
THE DARK WAVES OF TRANSFERENCE OF POWER Do not permit unknown people to lay their hands on you in prayer. In the arena of the supernatural, many powers and principalities are gaining control over unsuspecting Christians through hands of transference of power – not godly power but they are sending afflicting spirits on people as they lay hands on them to curse them. Often, I have observed a spiritual Christian become very foggy after they allowed people, repeatedly to lay their hands on them, prophesy over them or claim deliverance of healing over them. I have seen such Christians suddenly become very angry people, or very cold, some fell into personal sin and others were attacked by demons that plagued them with voices and apparitions. Does this mean we should never allow people to lay their hands and pray over us? No! It does mean discerning who we allow to pray over us. Watch their lives, do they bear the fruit of the Spirit and do they have the call of God tested and tried, have they walked through the fire and come out as gold? You should allow only such saints of God to lay their hands over you! I had a friend who shared an incident with me, where she allowed some people in ministry in the USA to lay her hands on her in prayer. After that, she was vehemently attacked, started seeing apparitions, hearing voices, and something started to attack her, even shaking her bed. Being so far away from her, I could not help her, and I have not heard from her for months. I can only pray for her entrusting her to Christ. (Praise God, I heard from her briefly now, just before publishing this book, on January 17, 2019! – I praise God she is safe!)
I remember reading a book where the author shared that we should not allow unknown people to lay their hands on us and pray. Satanists have confessed that they go to churches and lay their hands on people, really to curse them and transfer a demonic power. The transference of the demonic happens through hand transfer. The Bible tells us to allow our elders to pray for us and not just anyone, unless we really know them and their walk with Christ is proven. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord in James 5:14. In this verse, it is the elders of your church that can pray over you, not just anyone. When we willingly allow others to lay hands upon us, we are spiritually submitting to this person[s] and to what they are attempting to impart of us. If they were out there with an evil intent, it would hurt us badly.
THE DARK WAVES IN THE CHURCH The False Prophet: God has called gifts in the church and the gift of a prophet is a blessed anointed gift given by God to invoke, encourage, and ignite the Body of Christ. The danger lies when The Prophet walks in strange fires claims to speak new fresh revelation out of Scripture, in a mode to control people through his or her words of teaching, rebuke, dictating what people need to do in a very draconian, totalitarian manner, which submerges God-given free will and regresses his or her “followers” out of fear. The Prophet will tell people about their future to intimate and control them and they will keep coming back to hear more, functioning like magic crystal ball sorcery, not out of God’s Spirit. The Prophet dictates whom they must marry, which job to take or not take, where they should go, and even where they should give their money. All of these prophesies will not ring true with the receiver, who may obey out of fear. There are some doomsday prophets who have constantly prophesied destruction and the end of the world, which never happened so they conveniently delete those prophesies or change the wordings. The Prophet does not respect the order of God, where each believer has been gifted with the Holy Spirit. Remember, in Christ, you are a spiritual human being. God has gifted you with His mighty Holy Spirit to come into your life, guide you, direct you, strengthen you and comfort you and much more. He works mightily on your behalf, your source and force. God’s blueprint for your life is discovered as you obey and listen to the Holy Spirit where your life unfolds in His marvelous powerful plan supernaturally designed just for you. So my friend, don’t let The Prophet invade your life. Respect and honour the men and women of God but always remember you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you and let all prophets words resonate in your spirit when they prophesy and speak always. That is a true prophet. A true prophet may bring a word to convict you, in the Holy Spirit, but never to condemn you to a place where you feel yourself spiraling downhill to the muddy marshes where you feel you could never rise again; that, my friend is the voice of Satan accusing you. When prophets add and take away Word from the Bible, they bring a curse to the people. Revelation 22:18-19. This is why we have to test all the spirits, I John 4:1 for some prophets are taught by doctrines of demons. We would know them by their fruit. If they don’t have love, joy and peace and the full fruit of the Spirit, they are receiving false words from the devil to manipulate and control people.
The Charlatan: The Charlatan walks in his fire of greed and want. He is a pastor or leader, evangelist or televangelist to use the Gospel as a means of personal enrichment. They usually ask for money for some church building, demand money for the spread of the Gospel, or money for a new private airplane. They use their positions to benefit from others’ wealth. In the Bible, we see Simon Magus trying to purchase of the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 8: 9-24. Pope Leo X commissioned Tetzel to sell indulgences, where the profits hugely funded his luxurious lifestyle. In the 1990s, Robert Tilton brought in millions of dollars each year by exploiting the gullible and simple vulnerable Christians to support his extravagant, palatial lifestyle and the trend goes on today. Studies show that the greatest supporters of The Charlatans are the poor and the barely struggling along Christians give sacrificially. They are given promises that if they invest in The Charlatan’s ministry, God will bless them, so faithfully they give, out of the little they have. There is finally a rage and anger of those who felt fooled and cheated years later, who lash out at those ministries.
The Bully/Abuser: The bully can also be called the abuser in the church. This bully walks in a strange fire of violence, lust, power and control. There is a great abuse of spiritual power in the church today. We see times where even little children are molested in orphanages and in schools by people of spiritual authority. 2 Peter 2:2 talks about this: “For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (Jude 4). The Abuser’s real interest is in ravishing bodies. He works his way into people’s lives, women’s lives, manipulates their confidence, homes, and beds. He domineers people to gain power, bulling them on his pathway to prominence in the name of ministry. In the church’s earliest days, there were sex cults and other depraved perversions of the faith. For centuries, the papacy is a corrupt power struggle. In today world, nearly every day, we learn of leader who has been found guilty of sexual sin with men, women, or even children. We hear terrible tales of sad survivors who have been abused and then cast away by the leader.
The Divider: The Divider walks in his own fire of wickedness. He slyly sneaks in a church to share false doctrine among people to disrupt or destroy a church. Today we see many conspiracy theories planted by Bible scholars more to divide and disturb the people and put suspicion between the different races as well as in churches. Jude warned about him, “‘In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.’ It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life” (Jude 18-21). The Divider will always empty the church of love, the fruit of the Holy Spirit who draws believers together in the bond of peace (Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 4:3). The Divider will bring strife, splinter the church, and generate factions. With his malicious minor doctrinal issues that he raises, he would unseat the leadership of the church, and tear apart the church members so they would eventually split up. The Divider does this for the perverse satisfaction that comes with division and destruction.
The Mystic: The Mystic walks in his fire of invention and originality in a demonic realm. He is obsessed with doctrines of innovation, speculation, originality. He walks in his fire of novelty and invention of new thought and doctrine. The author of Hebrews warned his church of these “strange teachings,” while Paul told Timothy to protect the church against any “different doctrine” (Hebrews 13:9, 1 Timothy 1:3). Teaching focused on speculation displaces the sure and steady doctrine of Scripture. The Mystic grows weary of the old truths and pursues originality to gain respectability. The Mystic interprets secret codes in the Bible, studies the moon and stars predicting the future which in turn never comes true, all their predictions have failed, yet they persist, up with a new doctrine to support the failure of passing of the old theory or prediction they preached. The They always look for a few fad away from the Bible which seems more exciting to them. They have never found the Heavenly dance, flow, music, and joyous pulse of the Holy Spirit who can give them the greatest excitement above their novelty doctrines. This is because their own desires for novelty have blocked the flow of the Holy Spirit’s streams giving them His thoughts and divine insights.
Itching Ears: Itching Ears walks in his fire of rising to popularity and fame. He is the false teacher who caters to the needs and wants of people rather than what God wants, to fill and pack out his church. He preaches a sweet soothing Gospel to a huge happy church. Itching ears is a term used in the Bible to describe individuals who seek out messages and doctrines that condone their own lifestyle, as opposed to adhering to the teachings of the apostles. : Itching Ears is the man-pleaser rather than the God-pleaser. Paul thought of him as the ear-tickler: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). : Itching Ears seeks popularity and praise from the world. He never preaches the Bible in its fullness. He preaches of success, victory, joy and happiness, but leaves out sin, never speaks of hell, a lot of heaven. Like the false prophets of Jeremiah’s day, he and the thousands like him say, “‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14).
The Danger of Fanning the Flesh in Churches: If we try to get people to join our churches through appeasing the five senses such as exciting “positive” messages, programs, events, entertainment upbeat songs with a lot of music, lot of dramas, skits, etc., we are touching people in the realm of the flesh and they will either leave one day, or never grow spiritually. If church leaders allow the Holy Spirit to work in the realm of the spirit, the Holy Spirit will woo people to the church Himself without added techniques to draw people. The church will grow in strength, numbers and spiritual maturity through the Holy Spirit. Invite the Holy Spirit to take over, pray, and do everything faithfully, but please do not fan their flesh. Sometimes, witches and Satanists come to churches in the guise of Christians and if they are talented in music or preaching, they soon will be given high “positions” in the church by the unsuspecting pastors and leaders. These Satanists and witches infiltrate the church to pray destruction, sickness, confusion and harm to the people in a church. Our pastors and leaders should not be fooled by talent, but rather observe and pray much before putting anyone to a “position”. Often our leaders get carried away with fleshy programs and activities in the realm of the flesh thus the churches have no spiritual power and authority to cast out demons, heal, deliver, and revive a church!
Dark Waves Manifest Missing Link with the Church, the people and the Holy Spirit
The cause of this system is the missing link of the ministry/church and the Holy Spirit. Walking under the call of Heaven should be our first priority. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to us…listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Walking in obedience to the command of Love through Christ is our powerful protector from all evils. Not emotional love but pure divine Agape Love. Love has to first spill out to the people through the Holy Spirit. We cannot love with our own love, we do not have it in us. We have to depend on the Holy Spirit, moment by moment, day by day. At first it seems impossible, but the more we commune and talk with God, the easier it will become. God will make the roads, the inroads, God will make a way and He will make, create something new and wonderful and make pathways for people who walk and talk to Him and obey Him. Then the people in ministry and the church will become powerful on Earth, equipped empowered, having the power to transform and deliver people and help the orphans, the homeless, and addicts, the hopeless, depressed and weary.
. A leader should never aim for an office or a chair and want the “post” of a director with a rule rod spirit. He is finished as a man of God once that happens, he can never function as a pure-hearted child of God and a servant to the people. “Pride goes before a fall”. The love of position never fails to whet the carnal appetite of a human.
We need an awakening and a repentance revival. We need to ask the Helper, the Holy Spirit, daily to help us. It is not a onetime event. We need to start praying for a spiritual revival to start in our own lives. In repentance only can we love one another and reach the world for the lost and for awakening churches to the power, glory, majesty and Presence of God with renewed passion and power.
Every child of God born of His Spirit has a high calling. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” ! Peter 2:9. Wherever we are, be it cleaners, cooks, housewives, doctors, police, army, hospitals, CEOs of companies, trainers, receptionists, secretaries, teachers, whatever jobs, we are to be the salt and light of the world, lamps shining in a dark world and bring the sweet savour of Christ to all. One does not have to join a formal ministry for this to happen. –You can be present where you are, in whatever you are doing and carry the Presence of the Lord who will bring that change and lead you in pathways you could never even dream of. He is the great I Am, the God of the Present, wherever we are. By abiding in Christ, we can be powerful messengers for the Kingdom of God and help to deliver people out of darkness into His glorious light and be great workers and intercessors for the greatest awakening to blaze like fire and rain down on us in this dark hour!
Rita F. Kurian