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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Piercing the Dark: Chapter 3: Discern through the Dark

Discerning and then taking spiritual authority in Christ is key for spiritual warfare. It has brought mighty changes!

I know we are uncomfortable when we talk about demons and often say, “Focus on the Light and the darkness will flee.”  This is very, very true.  Yet I have found that when I discerned the operating demon against me and cast it out, I have got immense breakthrough.  At the same time, I am careful to be occupied with the Lord than of course with demons, I discern, lift it to God in prayer and then walk on with Christ.  The devil does not want us to be aware of the workings of his demons, so we walk on in ignorance and often accept things sent by Satan thinking God is sending them for our refinement.  Yet over the years, I have learned to discern between the two…praise God!

Soul Power:  In today’s Christian world, people with powerful personalities are often put in high positions.  We call it charisma.  Often Christians mistake a charismatic person from a spiritual one.

Now, here is the difference.  A charismatic operates in powerful soul power, and most of the time is aided by demons who are attracted to strong charisma souls, while a spiritual person has a pure spirit, alive in God operating under the power of the Holy Spirit.   A spiritual person would have a calmer underlying spirit because the Holy Spirit brings Love, Joy and Peace, so a spirit of peace prevails around that person, while a charismatic person could make a lot of noise from the powerful soul.  Leaders and speakers are often taught oratory skills, which is good, but if in a church, the preacher depends on his speaking gift, eternal change will never be see among the people.  Secret sins will flourish while the spiritual life is not nourished.   While churches may be full due to the powerful speaker, if the speaker relies only on oratory skill, we will not see any change of lives in the people.  The Holy Spirit cannot touch them.  Flesh cannot change flesh, only spirit can.  So preachers have to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit rather than garbed with oratory skills.

Very often, as Christians, I know we feel we have to make a lot more noise to show how happy we are or how filled with joy we are, but many times, it can be our flesh shouting.  Now, of course in the spiritual realm, we do have the joy of the Lord, and in spirit, we may also shout aloud…sometimes that song of joy dispels demons and in spirit, we can make a loud noise.  The Psalms tells us to sing to the Lord with shouts of praise yet sometimes we get too caught up with making a louder noise feeling it is more spiritual so we pray loudly, sing and shout, clap the loudest.  But in truth, if we are in the flesh, we are just loud clanging noise, stirring up the demonic kingdom more.  Noise from God is anointed, and not disturbing.  Here the anointing flows like a rushing River.  If the anointing is there, spiritual changes transpire with loud sound….So we gotta be in the Spirit before we make a loud noise!

For the most part, the Holy Spirit works in deep silence, stillness. 

When a person has a strong personality, the ego is strong and intense soul substance is very powerful – the ego is the narcissist essence of I, ruling over the body and the spirit is in subjugation to the soul or suppressed. A person with intense soul power always attracts demons and they have greater access to people with intense mass appeal.             People with strong soul power  are very charismatic drawing masses to them.  Soul power is often mistaken for spiritual power among Christians.

            A charismatic leader may lead masses astray using soul power infused with the demonic.  This is why we say in “Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”. So I die daily, I crucify my flesh to the Cross daily.  When we die to the big I, then only can the Holy Spirit operate freely in our lives and our spiritual power is pure and holy, from Christ alone.  We are very deceived if we confuse soul power with spiritual power.  We are actually wrong when we confuse Pentecostal spiritual power with charisma because charisma is soaked in soul power.  This is when we first start to get deceived. 

            Natural talent operates in the realm of the flesh. Talent can become a tool for the devil to harness us by the reins of pride.  Churches should not look for talented people but spiritually gifted people.

            When we are born again in spirit, we are actually more open to the spiritual and supernatural realm and this is when we are more susceptible to supernatural deception.  This is why we need to have a close walk with Jesus,  and read the Holy Book in its context, line upon line in spirit and truth, and walking in the fruits of the spirit because head knowledge can puff us up and deceive us.

False Perception Demons: These demons play a huge role in impacting relationships today.  Eighty five percent of our problems in relationships are due to perception. Sometimes we see things through the fake-tinted glasses of the enemy, unable to see in Light, Spirit and Truth, In Thy light shall we see light,” Psalms 36:9.  When we see through the fake glasses of the enemy, we accuse people falsely and implicate them without evidenceWe look at situations through the perceptions of Satan and that situation can turn out messy and murky through our reactions. 

             These demons distort our impressions of others.  We might find ourselves irritated or frustrated with a certain person. Nothing the person does seems right.  We feel that person needs to change.  The truth is, we may need to be delivered.  We are under the influence of a demon that makes us perceive things wrong.  Those demons direct shooting arrows of thoughts into our mind flaming with negativity.  We will find that after identifying the source of our wrong perceptions and casting them out of our lives and breaking down their strongholds in our mind through prayer, we start to perceive that person very differently and grow to actually like or even love the person!

            We may keep going from church to church, finding fault with everything in many people and every church we go to.  The reason is we are under the grip of fault-finding demons who shoot thoughts in us to see something wrong in them.  No church and human is perfect, so we have to find the balance somewhere.

            The gift of discernment is key here because God may be leading us out of a certain church because He wants to do new things through us or wants us to go to a church where we are spiritually fed and growing.

Fear Perception Demons:  Wars are caused by fear perceptions demons.  We see this in reality.  One nation starts attacking another out of fear and insecurity.  The most insecure people are the most attacking ones.  As animals smell fear and attack, we humans emit the smell of fear to demons who cause us to get aggravated and attack.  We see this everywhere. People attack their opponents out of the fear that they would overtake them and become more powerful than them.  The fear demons shoot arrows of fear perception to make them bring down or suppress their opponents through lies, conspiracy, and even murder.

Power Paranoid Demons:  People in power such as in politics fear that their influence is threatened, mobilize people to take to mob violence, lynching, and killing in frenzied madness.  Politicians fear their wrongs will be found out plan murders and hire hit men to carry out their heinous crimes.  They attack before the other person attacks them (they act in fear of an imagined attack, which would usually never happen).  This results in instability of a nation. Nations ruled by paranoid demons (injecting fear in humans) are more unstable.

            Some nations controlled by dictatorships look stable on the outside, and there is a false front of peace there.  However, the heart of a dictator is always controlled by FEAR.  The people in those nations also live in fear and terror, not knowing when their government will pull them up, imprison or even execute them. 

            Dictatorships fear that their workers would become stronger than them so they keep them in constant subjugation through power, control, manipulation, threat, blackmail, conspiracy and death.

Faith is The Opposite Of Fear:  We can only eradicate fear by faith.  Faith is not in an object but in a Person who protects us, Jesus Christ.  If we walk in faith, we would not try our self-preservation tactics of acting out in fear.  We have the power to cast down the fear demons and bind them in Jesus’ name. As we keep doing this by faith, we will experience gripping fears leave us. 

            Again, there are different kinds of demons attached to different emotions.  They gain stronger attachments to us when we display our weaker emotions such as anger, rage, lust, gluttony, fear etc.  They feed on our emotions.

Prayers Based on Witchcraft by Christians and Religious People:  “Witchy prayers (prayers to curse others and bring them down or to control their lives) can be administered by Christians in a spirit of control.  (witchcraft is all about control and manipulation).  We may notice many Christians praying this way.  I have seen this!  They pray sickness, doom, and destruction for others.  They are deceived into believing that they are teaching that person a lesson, so they would repent!  When they do this, a wrong spirit enters their lives to form a stronghold.  One demon brings along others!  So, a Christian can have the wrong spirit ruling them if they pray “witchy” prayers. In the end, they get very deceived and it all started because they disobeyed the Bible by praying harm for others.

Religious Spirits:  People with a religious spirit have different kinds of demons hovering around them flooding them with a superstitious spirit and a spirit of good works.  I remember an incident I read in the newspaper of a man who gave enormous sums of money to charity and everyone praised his good works.  Later on, it was discovered that he ran a prostitution racket!  He was covering his sin with “religious good works” hoping that it would erase away his sin.

            Our prayers have to be aligned from the Kingdom of Heaven in the Holy Spirit, and not in a spirit of power, control and manipulation or a religious spirit.

            Superstition has its origins in fear and fear is always given by the devil.

            Our fear for God is reverence, the Hebrew word is yare’ and shachah, awe and wonder, and is different from a paranoid superstitious fear that binds people.

            Satan and his minions ravage homes because homes are the building blocks of a nation, once he wrecks them to fragments, he builds his strongholds on the ruins, shattering more people all over.

            Broken fragments, tearing tempests and festering wounds are food for the kingdom of darkness.  Feasting on our wounds, they cause greater blindness, foggier minds, and stumbling steps.

            Christians eventually are dulled spiritually to never rise up to pray with a battle cry against the forces of darkness wrecking their lives.  They think it is the will of Abba Father to help them grow in their faith. Frankly, many do not care to, others are too weak and tired, and others scoff at spiritual warfare thinking we are placing unnecessary attention on the devil.

Death Obsessions:  Sin, sickness and death are all synonymous with the Fall.  Our sicknesses may not always be connected with personal sin, but are a result of the Fall, which is why Jesus was the greatest Healer and still is, for sickness.  Now, one of the first-line strategies of Satan is to attack the body.  The believer starts to believe God is allowing the sickness for their refinement, and later accepts it as part of their lives.  Soon, weary and tired, their thoughts start dwelling more on death and are waiting to die.  They lose interest in life, regarding it unspiritual.  Visions of death and fantasies of heaven become stronger and they lose all will to pray.  This is the exact spot where Satan wants them to be.  The death wish is sent by Satan.

            Soon, these people start to live out their death wish, and eventually die, without accomplishing the vision that God sent to them.  God could have stopped this, but the believer cooperated in free will with the enemy, not seeking God in prayer about this.

            This death wish differs from a spiritual prophetic revelation some Christians receive, knowing that they are going to die and they have dying grace for that.  They know they have fulfilled what God wanted them to do on earth and God finally tells them to get ready to go.

            If you are struggling with a death wish, ask Christians to pray for you. Ask the Holy Spirit for strength to pray to bring down this death wish. First, rebuke it in Jesus’ Name.  As you do this, you will get new spiritual will from God to live and do new things by faith.  He will start to heal your body supernaturally.  Pray for abundant life to accomplish all that God has for you to do.  Do not believe the lie of Satan that you have nothing to do on Earth for the Kingdom.  Eradicate the death wish in Jesus Name!

            I had a friend who was prone to depression and sometimes had suicidal thoughts.  One day, I noticed she no longer spoke about her depression and I asked her about it.  She said that when she was in the US, a pastor laid his hands over her head and prayed for her. She felt something come out of her, and saw a flash of something gray-black.  She instantly felt lighter and soon realized she no longer fell under the spell of depression!            Satan can send demons of depression to oppress us.  Very often these demons sit heavily on us and project their thoughts within usI do believe we can be oppressed by demons, but NOT possessed. We often use the example of the Lord telling Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan!”  Satan used Peter’s vocal cords, but he did not possess Peter.  We get sensations as if we are possessed because demons have a way of poking their tentacles into us and also project their voices in our vocal cords so we start to speak in harsh ugly tones, scream, and say horrible things.  They injection poison into the pits of our belly, which is why often people vomit after a deliverance session.  Christians can be demonized with an infestation of demons hovering around them, following them, and shooting projections into them.  They sit on our heads, the seat of our thought processes, which is why sometimes we feel heavy in our heads or a band like pressure on our heads.

            I remember feeling depressed one evening and I sat up and said, “In Jesus name , I command you spirit of depression to depart.” Miraculously, I was freed instantly from the spirit of depression. Hallelujah!  We have power to rebuke out the demons trying to target us with their flaming arrows of destruction of all negative, ugly thoughts, suicidal or even homicidal thoughts!

If  a “Christian” has an infestation of demons dwelling within, they probably were never born again. The Bible says, “By their fruit, you will know them.” At the same time, we are never to hastily judge who is saved and who is not. Some people are going through the process of spiritual growth and sanctification and they are at different spiritual levels so we need to help each other to grow to maturity and never judge them.

When * Rina was Hexed

In a true incident personally shared with me by a young woman, (I will call her Rina).  She told me some of her family members practice black magic.  Rina grew up watching some of them practice the rituals.  Her family went to church, held prayer meetings at home, and read their Bibles!

            Later in her life, when Rina got married, and one day she had a tiff with her aunt who practiced black magic.  At that time, Rina was pregnant and at the end of the verbal tiff, the aunt looked at Rina and said coldly in a hard flat voice, “That baby in your womb will die!”  It was a procurement of a curse.  Rina did lose her baby and went through a few more pregnancies losing her babies.  This made her very bitter towards that aunt.

            Later on in life, Rina’s brother seemed to have the side effects of black magic going on in the home, and he turned away from God in bitterness and anger.

            Rina eventually had a very strong prayer support and prayer life and things got better for her and her family in time.

            Another woman began to recognize a lot of the violent bitter quarrelling in her own marriage was due to the effects of black magic seeping into their home.  A few single acts of black magic can allow the entry of demons to work and literally break up homes and families.

            After praying, binding, rebuking the sources of evil, evil departed from this woman’s life and everything started to calm down greatly in her family life.  She started walking in peace.  She knew it was really demons attacking because it was only when she learned to abide in the Lord and pray hard, communing, then only did her family life start to sweeten and a lot of “evil dead” depart from their home!

Taking spiritual authority in God is key for spiritual warfare.  It has brought mighty change for me!

To be continued….

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