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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Piercing the Dark: Chapter 2: Driving in the Fog

The Rise of the New World Order

This particular age is worse than ever before. The world-system as we know it is corrupt. We think we are civilized and advanced, but the carnality, the darkness and deception of the human race has reached its pinnacles. People call right wrong and wrong right. The conscience is seared.

In the new world order, the Illuminati have suddenly resurrected again controlling world affairs in heightened waves. The talk of one world currency, one world faith etc., will lead to one world government to establish the rule of a world ruler called the anti-Christ. Digitization is working towards that way! The Bible speaks of a mark on the forehead or hand called 666 is unmasking in placing chips into humans. Pray we will not be there when it happens as it will be the most horrendous persecution of the world. The ones who do not comply will be beheaded because the one-world ruler will want everyone to worship him. The Bible says he will sit in the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem!

Originally, the Illuminati works in the world system today to create chaos, and then pretend they want to help you. It’s aim is to destablize governments and nations. In that chaos and confusion, it will offer solutions for peace and unity and eventually take over. It was considered a myth and conspiracy theory until the 1990s. The rapid rise of the Internet changed all that, giving conspiracy theorists a global platform to expound their beliefs and present their evidence to a massive audience.

Leaders realized it actually worked, bringing in occult practices and black magic to diabolically strengthen this movement. The original aim was to turn order into chaos, so that Satan would ultimately rule the reins of the world, paving a path for the anti-Christ to rule the world. This is why the Bible warns us not to be entwined into the world system, which is creating the New World Order.

It works so subtly and craftily that people don’t even realize how it is snaking into the world system to control everything.

The talk of one-world currency, one-world government, and one-world religion are some of the precursors to the rise of the anti-Christ and we see that happening now more than any other time.

What people do not realize is that Satan himself orchestrated the whole Illuminati movement to control the world order, and the humans in it are really his puppets. They don’t control, but he controls them. The end of all is death and separation from God.

Souls searching and soaring to different planes and experimenting on altered levels has opened dangerous doors.

While more than half of the world is not aware of the dark operations of the Illuminati, a large section of the world operates in its structure, rising to extraordinary fame, power, and money suddenly. The original secret society was founded on 1 May 1776.

What is the Illuminati? According to the encyclopedia, the subsequent use, “Illuminati” has referred to various organizations, which have been claimed to be connected to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies as early as the 1700s.

These organizations have often been alleged to conspire to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in governments and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order.

The Illuminati have been depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power in dozens of novels, films, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos. This system controls the world system.

It is alleged that members of a higher rank must make a blood sacrifice in order to gain more fame, money, power and influence. While people are genuinely talented and work hard, some others are deceived into wanting more power and money and the mix of charismatic soul power with the demonic is the supernatural sudden rise of star. However, we cannot attribute every star to the demonic. God also blesses His own and the blessings of our God has no sorrow attached to it, unlike the demonic “blessings”.

The Illuminati is probably inspired by Faust the classic German legend, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480–1540). Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. In the end, the devil came to claim his soul for eternity. In reality, the Illuminati now delves more with the occult through sacrifices and pacts that enable demons of higher ranks to attach themselves to a person seeking that rise. Spirits attach themselves to the soul power of a person, suddenly make them very appealing, magnetic, with a hypnotic power drawing frenzied masses to them.

Many famous people have allegedly been killed by the Illuminati for failure to comply with any of their requirements. Others were killed as part of one of these Illuminati blood sacrifices and for the “greater good” of the organization.

These sacrifices are very hard to prove because they are performed in dark secrecy. Though it sounds grotesque to say this, they use newborn babies for blood sacrifices because there is no verification of birth or death, consented to by the mother, who often lives within the cult in hiding. We have heard hundreds of occultists testifying of the same! These dark eerie secrets tumble out of the cupboard after they leave the cult. Many do not make it out and are usually killed. If they turn to Christ, it is Christ alone who hides them supernaturally and protects them!

There is record of many celebrities speaking about the Illuminati, who were killed. Michael Jackson tops the list of people who paid the ultimate price. The singer died on June 25, 2009, just days before his comeback concerts were scheduled to take place in London. Jackson is thought to have been a member of the Illuminati, until he started speaking out against them, joining a growing list of Anti-Illuminati celebrities. Before his death, Jackson began to speak out against the authorities and their need to control everything in the music industry. Michael’s sister, La Toy Jackson, said that her brother frequently talked about how “they were trying to kill him”.

It has been alleged that many stars from Hollywood and Bollywood are in the Illuminati clutched in the paws of the underworld!

Many sources have set out to prove that the Vatican is involved with the Illuminati.

The Illuminati merges with occultism and black magic today. While Wicca claims they only seek good magic, nature, and healing cures, the infiltration and leakage to each other is unstoppable.

They eventually do meet pathways. All are seeking out other pathways, other ways and call on other spirits, demons, gods, fallen angels, powers, and rulers. In that maze of controversies and choices, practices like black magic in many countries to hex and curse their enemies, tantric practices, voodoo, Ouija boards, tarot cards, crystal ball reading, palmistry, sorcery, hypnotism, witchcraft, white magic, hexes, spells and a host of other practices hold millions spellbound over the Earth.

Magic seems to be the lure and cure for masses, exciting, wonderful, and inviting and is new mantra of the New Age. The cry of this roaring driving movement is union to a force and to be a god in yourself, be one with the Universe, evolve to higher beings, higher dimensions, and experience life at this fullest to become what you want and evolve with that knowing and growing.

Satan through this medium casts a spell of enchantment on people and suddenly, the things of God seem very boring and unexciting.

Watching movies and reading books with a lot of enchantment and magic in it lures people to the land of enchantment so subtly that none will ever notice it.

Many times, Christians who once had a fiery walk in Christ were later enticed by the magical mantra to turn lukewarm and indifferent.

Unknowingly, they may have opened their doors to enchantment, watching some kind of movies especially horror movies with black magic that opens their homes to other spirits, reading material, which may seem wonderfully magic, yet slowly stealthily starts to control minds and take off the edge of a wonderful spiritual walk with God.

Our authority is in Christ. We need to recognize this new rising but know that in Christ, we are more than conquerors and we cannot ever come under this system, which is aimed to take millions away from God, the Creator. The Illuminati talk about our inner guiding light and going towards the light..but who is this light? This is not identified nor named

. The Bible says, pray without ceasing and this is only possible through a relationship and communion with the Holy Spirit in Christ.

If Satan places one under a spell of enchantment or we sense we are under the attack of witchcraft, black magic, we have to rebuke it and pray ourselves out of it. We need to read out verses of promises and victory from the Bible loudly. Reading the Word loudly helps because firstly, it rescues our mind from distraction. Secondly, the demons hate that prayer of authority, despise the Word of God and they flee!

Always remember, we have victory and joy when our position is always in God’s Presence. Yet, there are times when this is blocked and Christians struggle spiritually to walk with God.

Demons often make us drowsy and sleepy so that we will rarely pray or pray half-heartedly and most of the time keep us in a fog of delusion, believing the lie for the truth.

Before I was born again, I believed many philosophies including the New Age, but one night, Jesus touched me and my spiritual mind opened. I suddenly supernaturally knew Jesus was the Way, the Truth and the Life, I knew He was the only LIGHT in the world, there is no other light, and the only guiding spirit is the HOLY SPIRIT and when we are born again, our human spirit connects with the Holy Spirit in a new spiritual dimension where we start to perceive spiritual truth. When this Truth comes to you, it hits you. When we know in your spirit who Jesus is, you start to identify the enemy playing in your life and you don’t allow him to mess with you any more. You pray, you take the Word of God and you take steps to protect yourself. If you are led, as I am, you will also share your revelations and spiritual illuminations to help others out of the fog and lie.

Through the Holy Spirit, we can identify the lie from the truth. The movement of the Illuminati is a lie from the pit of hell as prophesied by the Bible. We are at the end times! The Illuminati movement is leading to a concept and final acceptance of One World Religion and One World Government, which will pave the way for the One World Ruler who will control the world, deceive the world by promising world peace. He will ultimately demand the world worship him and Satan will be in him and he will be helped by a false prophet. This man will torment and persecute millions. He will have power, money and big influence, heavy charisma to charm people initially until he reveals his true colors. It is only the physical return of Christ that ultimately destroys Satan, his cohorts and all these strongholds.

Wake up people. Stop walking with the mob in the fog. Walk to the true Light, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, the only one who can deliver us out of this fog. We are also on the verse of a big spiritual revival and awakening again….when the night is the darkest, the light shines the brightest!

This “book” that I am sharing with you in chapters through the weeks is to show us how we can appropriate prayer warrior living, and pierce the darkness surrounding us and overcome the evil through the power of Christ because this world is a battlefield until Christ returns to restore and create a new Heaven and new Earth.

Rita F. Kurian

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