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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Piercing the Dark: Chapter 10 – Shining Through


In walking with Christ daily, we need to know and recognize who we are in Christ first. Unless we identify our position, we would be constantly pleading and begging Yahweh to hear us, but He is as close as the mention of His Name.

Remember the wise man who built his house upon the Rock? We build our foundation on Christ, the Rock when we realize who we are in Christ and appropriate it to our lives.

So do declare this prayer by faith to God as often as you can:

Dear Father, I love and adore You and thank You for everything. On Earth, as Your Kingdom Warrior, I need You Holy Spirit to enable and empower me to walk in Your ways and worship You in the beauty of Your holiness.

I pray Jesus Christ that You would enable me to tear down strongholds, set the captives free. Give me a burden pray for souls to be delivered and a burden to share the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Holy Spirit, come and fill me with a powerful anointing to accomplish what You will in me. Let Your Holy Fire fall upon me and equip me as a warrior for the battle here on Earth. Strengthen me in my inner self, in my soul, my spirit, so I can rise as a warrior in Christ.

As a Kingdom Warrior, enable me to create an atmosphere of faith and the power of Your love by speaking Your words of life to everyone I meet.

As Your Kingdom Warrior, I in Christ will look at every situation through the light of Your understanding, not in my mind or flesh. Holy Spirit give me insight, to see things from Your perspective and to see into the Heavenly Kingdom so I can pray in the purposes of Heaven.

As Your Kingdom Warrior, may my mind, hands, all that I do, words of my mouth and feet, and wherever I go carry the powerful anointing of God that breaks the bonds, and evil demonic chains on people’s lives, to set captives free.

As your Kingdom Warrior, I pray for a renewed mind each single day in order to take every thought captive, meditating on thoughts that are acceptable to You.

Father, in Jesus Christ’s name, I pray this mighty Kingdom declaration, so that Your Kingdom on earth will advance for the Glory of Your Name…AMEN!


To enter the arena of becoming Warrior Kings and Queens, we first need to learn to abide in the Presence of the Lord in communion and speak words of faith expressing our trust in God.

One of the greatest things that a Kingdom Warrior can do is walk in a communion walk with Christ. This releases the fresh love, fresh wind, and fresh fire in damp dark cold situations and paves a beautiful pathway of the miraculous.

As spiritual warriors, through our deep relation with Christ, we send out mighty piercing rays in the impossible black night to shatter dark works, spells, hexes, curses, whispers, and declarations of evil.

As we speak, commune and pray, battles won on the field, and we begin to emanate His light to dismantle Satan’s dark deeds that melt like wax because of the presence of Christ in us.

Replenished and refreshed in the Holy Spirit’s living waters in us, silver dewdrops within us freshen the lives of others around us. Our relationship with the Holy Spirit makes all the difference because He is present on Earth with us.

God the Father is in Heaven and Christ, the Son also resides in Heaven, though both are present with us through the Holy Spirit. John 14:16 “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; The Holy Spirit in the Bible is called the Guide, Intercessor, In-dweller of believers, Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Teacher, Comforter, Convicts of sin (not condemner) among many other names.

The Holy Spirit is referred to as a Person called He, with who we are to develop a fellowship, communion, conversation with and listen back and obey Him as He is our Guide. He always points to the Father and the Son. In fact, we start to be in-filled with supernatural divine love for Christ more as we commune with the Holy Spirit. He makes the spiritual realm of the Heaven come alive for us where we can understand the spiritual truths more easily and become alive in the spirit!

People say they cannot commune all the time, but it is possible! When we include Him in all that we do, aware of His presence overshadowing us each day, we are in His presence. We take out moments throughout the day to commune with Him and hear His voice back to us. As we do this, we are abiding in Christ, living under His Shadow, hidden and protected, and win victories for our situations. We are effective witnesses, the salt, and the light of the earth, and a sweet incense everywhere we go. We are the smell of trouble and death to the God haters and demons, however!

We are meant to commune, talk to the Holy Spirit, and fellowship with Him as a Person. The Holy Spirit always leads us to the Father and Christ so we get mighty breakthroughs in our revelations of God and Christ. Many times, when I commune and talk to the Holy Spirit, I fall in awe and worship God. I see Christ in His glory, and I start weeping tears that are not sadness but weeping quietly in His wonderful Presence. In that weeping, a spirit of intercession comes on me to pray for people I never thought about before. I start to pray for nations with an outpouring, overflowing, which in my natural self I would never do.

The burden for world revival came through my communion with the Holy Spirit. I have dedicated a whole book in my blog to revival under the section Revival Rain Will Fall Again – here is the link –

The walk in the Holy Spirit is the way that many Christians can overcome personal sins and demonic attacks on their lives, even violence in homes, abuse, and personal weaknesses. The more we commune with the Holy Spirit, the stronger we become in our spirit. The Holy Spirit will fill and overflow us with His Life and Fire from the spirit to the soul (seat of emotions and mind) to live a powerful overcoming life. Our soul is ruled by our spirit, aligned in the right order so we can perceive things in Christ’s Light.

There are Christians who walk in non-communion with the Lord, even though they read their Bibles and pray every day! Does it sound strange? Think about this: Suppose we pray to God every night and every morning, but go through the day never talking to Him, never listening to Him, and never sharing our day with Him, something goes drastically wrong. Because we rarely speak to the Lord, the fire in our soul turns cold, love and compassion for others freezes. In our frozen zone, demons leap on us like malicious elves waiting to cause mischief and trouble in our lives.

Our prayer times can be taken over by a religious spirit, who only prays because we want something or we pray out of superstition feeling if we did not, something bad would happen. When we only seeking blessings and not Him, His Presence fades out of our lives as we quench the Holy Spirit. A gigantic snake insidiously crawls into our lives and finally squeezes the spiritual life out of us. In deliverance ministries, many people have the snake spirit wriggling out of them. It is the serpent spirit known as the python because it squeezes spiritual life out of people. People who have the python spirit choke in a spiritual atmosphere and struggle to walk with God.

With the death of spiritual life, a series of events take place around us, evil starts to flood our homes uncontrollably. When we pray, we feel as if we are banging against iron walls. Other times, we just get more distant from God and wander down a broad road of comfort and convenience.

A “communion walk” with the Holy Spirit changes our lives. It has changed mine!


The wonderful book, “Practicing the Presence of God” is about Brother Lawrence, a simple humble lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in Paris, who learned the art of communing with the Lord through the day, doing simple tasks and even when washing the dishes in the priority. He spent almost all of the rest of his life working in the kitchen as well as a repairer of sandals within the walls of the priory. Though he had a low position in life, something drew people to him, and many came to him seeking spiritual guidance.

He was anointed with wisdom and the words he shared with people become the basis for the book, “Practicing the Presence of God” He would talk to the Lord, through every situation and listened back to God.

The mighty presence of God was so heavy on his life that one night, another brother even hid under his bed to find out the secret of his spiritual life. He heard Brother Lawrence reading the Bible aloud before he fell asleep. He loved the Word! He was a simple man who delighted in God’s Presence.

Brother Lawrence made a difference wherever he went, and he even spoke publically because of his wisdom and the power of God on his life. This was simply due to constant communion with Christ! Brother Lawrence was a Kingdom Warrior in his walk with Jesus that shook the people around him and famous people invited him to speak in their conventions!

Remember the benediction, “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all”. 2 Corinthians 13:14. Fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit means we are to talk with the Holy Spirit as our Friend, our Helper, Counselor and Guide. The Holy Spirit is not a force, but a Person, who is a mighty Gift from God to help us in our walk on earth.

Many Christians struggle with sins of anger, rage, lust, materialism, power hunger, greed for money , position, fame, and recognition. The struggles are endless and 95% of us can fall and many of us become cold hearted without a communion walk.

Once, a man had put on a prayer request for a dying boy on WhatsApp (mobile app). A few responded weakly. Later, as the man put on new updates on the condition of the dying boy and there was a cold silence, no one responded.

Sometime later, someone of higher prominence in the church sent another small prayer request, but the response was electrifying. People connected to the person of “higher social prominence” and authority! Superficial values!

Since they were not in communion with the Lord, the Holy Spirit could not work powerfully in their lives to fill them with His Love for others or give them prayer burdens for others.

I notice that whenever I am in a conversation with the Spirit, my heart actually starts to burn with warmth, and a fire fills me! I start to pray and intercede for people with tears and I get new burdens for people. I start to pray for nations with an intensity, which I believe is from the Spirit, as I never, had those thoughts in my mind, and prayers of intercession burn like flames of fire within!

Prayer becomes a powerful exciting privilege in the Holy Spirit. Thus, it is so important that we live in a communion relation with the Holy Spirit who anoints our communion to take us to the throne room so we can intercede, pray, and worship God where we experience His glory and presence in a personal way and Jesus becomes more real and personal to us in our daily life.


Connecting to the Source:

Once we are born again, we experience the great Divine Exchange where we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and our human spirit is awakened to spiritual life and truth, whereas before the things of the spirit were dead to us. In this beautiful Divine exchange, we can experience the powerful teaching of Christ, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” John 15:4. The word “abide” means to “remain”. In order to remain in, we need to be connected to a source. Therefore, in order to remain in Christ, the most powerful significant way is through communion and conversation throughout the day. 2 Corinthians 13:14: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

This is the powerful secret to Christian living, this is the heart of the teaching of Christ. We can accomplish nothing eternal, powerful and live a life free from sin apart from the abiding presence of the Lord in our lives. The word communion of the Holy Spirit is key here. I am amazed that the more I commune with the Holy Spirit, great kindness and love spills out of me. I start to weep for people, nations, and world situations with intercession prayer as I mentioned earlier!

Listening Prayer:

After talking to God, we have to listen! The listening prayer is very, very, very powerful! Something vibrantly changes within and around me when I sit quiet and LISTEN to the Holy Spirit! You will be blessed beyond your expectations!

The wonderful Holy Spirit dwells deep within us in the sanctuary beyond our mind and emotions, therefore, when we want to talk to the Lord, we talk deep within and hear that still small powerful Voice speaking to us, instructing us, comforting us, and convicting us of personal sins.

In our thoughts, emotions, and even dreams from our subconscious mind, we may get deceived thinking that the Lord is speaking. If we operate more in the realm of the soul, we are more prone to deception.

Many times, someone may feel they are getting direction from the Lord through a dream, and though the Lord may sometimes speak in dreams, it is rarer nowadays, because dreams are more in the realm of the soul. The subconscious mind in the realm of the soul is active during the night whereas the Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit.

At times, even the old destroyer gives us dreams to disturb us because he is the prince of the air controlling the air traffic throwing projections to disturb us to bring us to the brink of a breakdown. These bad dreams come to haunt us at night. In the realm of the soul, it is easier to be touched by Satan and his demons.

The Lord’s communion in us is very different, rich, powerful, and deep within us, calm, and life changing and we know when He is speaking. The Voice of the Holy Spirit is powerful, calm, and clear. The dreams He sends us are directly into our spirit, and speak a message so clear and powerful with no trace of terror. The voices of our soul and demons can be emotional, fluctuating with highs and lows conflicting and confusing us.

Obeying What You Hear:

Obedience is better than sacrifice! I Samuel 15:22: But Samuel replied, “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. After the Lord speaks to our listening hearts, or through a message by a preacher or through His written Word, obedience is imperative.

Though we know the imperative law of obedience, our rebellious hearts still do not obey. After listening to a powerful message about love on a Sunday morning, and walk out of the service and a family goes home and has an ugly family squabble in the car in front of the children, definitely something is desperately wrong, the enemy has his foot in that home.

Or after a beautiful message on love, church members still pretend not to see others! It always never fails to surprise us how Christians “pretend” not to see each other, gossip about other Christians, or even entertain loose talk with no evidence! The only reason why people cannot obey the Word of God and have deep compassion and love is because they are not living in a communion relationship with the Lord. The more we talk to the Holy Spirit, (“…and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13-14), the more powerful our inner man will be. Our soul is strengthened through the Holy Spirit to resist all kinds of sins, heart coldness, lack of compassion, indifference, temptation, rage, lust, murder, rape, revenge, and other evils, which rise within us. (Ephesians 3:16 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man).

The truth is the more we walk in the realm of the spirit, in communion and connection with the Lord, the easier it is to obey Him. Something real, personal, and powerful transpires within us to take us through a richer, deeper, and exotic walk with the Lord! Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

We cannot obey the Word of God if we live in the flesh. It is virtually impossible. Try for a week and see how we will fail. Try loving someone in the flesh! They would give you the cold shoulder and you would end up feeling miserable and perhaps end up disliking the person more due to the snub. I have tried it and failed miserably and ended up being snubbed further! On the other hand, if I am in a relationship with the Lord, communing with Him, I am transported to the spiritual realm in the Presence of the Holy Spirit and in His Presence; my cup is full and overflowing. Then, when I do acts of kindness to others, they are touched in a deeper powerful way because in reality, it is the Holy Spirit touching them.

We carry the Presence of the Holy Spirit in our earthen vessels and touch many lives through His Presence and this can only be achieved through constant communion and a walking talking relationship with Him. We can only obey the Lord through the Holy Spirit, though of course, we need to exercise our volition in all the decisions in our lives as the first step to taking the right direction, but the actual power, victory, and reward of our obedience is through the Holy Spirit.

We have to walk in the Spirit in order to live an overcoming Christian life on Earth. When we are born again, the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to us. Therefore, we need to start communing with the Spirit, our Helper, our Comforter, our Teacher; we will have the power within us through Him to obey the Bible.

Jesus, the Son of God, was in Heaven in eternity. Son did not mean that God has a wife. Son here means begotten. He is the same divine essence of God. He came down from Heaven, born on earth as a man. He lived a sinless life and then died on the Cross to pay the price for our sins or we would have an eternal separation from God without atonement for our sins. “God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”

Jesus rose from the dead and now He lives in Heaven with God His Father. Along with this wonderful gift of Salvation is the gift of the Holy Spirit who resides in us, enabling us to enjoy the joy of living in victory on earth overcoming our sins and temptations. When we walk in the fire of God’s presence, the buzzing flies (demons) around us cannot dare to come near just as flies would not sit on a sizzling hot pan!

Our most powerful warfare is walking in the Presence of God. I pray this series inspires you to walk the pathway of a Kingdom Warrior! You will experience miracles when you do so!

Rita F. Kurian

The End

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