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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Piercing the Dark: Chapter 1: Wake up!

WE ARE IN A WAR Chapter 1: Wake Up!

We think it is over and we rest and recline, and the chaos all over the earth is escalating. We think this is how it is meant to be, so we curl up in a couch and wait for Christ to return; however, while we wait, we still have to roll up our sleeves, it is not over! It never is until the New Heaven and New Earth!

Our clarion call is to be Prayer Warriors/Kingdom Warriors on Earth because of the spiritual authority that Christ vested in us to take back what the enemy has stolen. Through prayer, we rebuild broken lives and prepare the way for souls to enter the Kingdom.

The enemy’s biggest deception is to make us feel God knows, so we don’t need to battle it out in prayer. We may feel God has already chosen His own, so there is no need to pray, but God calls us to partnership in prayer for His purposes all through the Bible. The greatest saints wrested in prayer zone and it became miracle zone!

While we do not see demons behind every bush and our chief occupation is in enjoying Christ’s presence and worshiping Him, it is vital to cast down works of darkness every single day because of the rise in sorcery in the world. I have personally experienced more breakthrough and victory when I pray this way and it has changed my life and perceptions. It has cleared a pathway for me which was ridden with thorns and thistles before.

At the same time, we never are to pray down people nor pray any harm for them because this is a kind of witchcraft delving in power and control. Our battle is against powers and principalities and not people! We are to pray for each other, Agape Love one another and forgive each other through the enabling of the Holy Spirit. Our flesh is weak and we cannot do it naturally.

The Bible speaks of 31 verses on spiritual warfare, and alludes to many other teachings of spiritual warfare calling us to pray always, to be armored, and to cast out evil spirits using our spiritual authority in Christ.

We need to be alert, fresh, and alert at all times with shields raised and swords brandished walking along the narrow pathway. This is the Kingdom Warrior’s pathway! If we as believers really do this faithfully, we will see divine turnarounds because as the days get darker, Jesus’ light also shines more brightly in the dark delivering captives free. Jesus does this:

Jesus said, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:19.

The Bible says, “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:3-5

We are given spiritual authority in Christ to cast down powers of darkness even now! We will see a diminishment of the tide of evil when we practice our spiritual authority here on Earth now!

We will see God establish His glory on Earth in greater measures in the last days before Christ returns amidst the cacophonic din, diabolic darkness, and brutal destruction. Souls will turn to God in a spirit of repentance on Earth where many will turn to the Savior. Therefore, our call to prayer warriors is for an eternal purpose, to prepare the way for salvation in another mighty revival, spiritual awakening, and prepare and draw souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the last days, the intensity of our spiritual warfare will increase because of the flood of evil let loose in the world due to the increase in lawlessness rising from greed, power, and lust ruling hearts, demons loosened on earth through sorcery.

Through our warfare prayers, we will pave the way for greater works of God to be manifest as the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is manifested to all people before Christ returns. Christ gives us His authority to bind and loose for eternal purposes:

Matthew 18:18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven”.

Prayer is key to a strong spiritual life, but I have learned one terrible truth over time – we can pray religiously and vigorously and still have a wrong spirit ruling us! Yikes!

Why is that we may ask aghast? The reason is that prayer is not a rigorous ritual. It is a deep talking walking obedient relationship with God. Today, people may pray religiously every day, and still be disconnected from God due to a disconnect throughout the day. When our natural thought waves are strong, this opens doors for wrong spirits to control our thoughts and we are often deceived.

Today, we need real Prayer Kingdom Warriors who have a deep relationship with Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ anointed Messiah); bearing the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, etc.) for only then will we see mighty change. In these last days, we see a rise in high-tide waves of darkness as never before! As we battle for souls and situations and nations, our hearts have to be pure!

There is a rise in witchcraft, black magic, Satanism today all over the world! Satanism practices intense aggressive rituals against Christians and if we not prayed up, we will come under its attacks.

We need to be aware that today, Satanists are infiltrating churches to pray down Christians. The spirit of anti-Christ is rising. While we are not to be occupied with these, we have to be aware so we can pray accordingly every single day! 1 Peter 5:8: Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

On speaking with a brother in Christ the other day, he mentioned that he personally knows of Satanic churches in different places and he had seen them in operation with upside-down crosses, the horned image at their altar, midnight services, garbed in black, burning candles and chanting out of their “bibles” and performing blood sacrifices! He also noted that suicide and drug addiction had escalated and he hears of a suicide every day. He also mentioned that when they call the demons during their séances, it is very hard to send them back. People who dabbled with black magic often died sudden deaths, died of drugs, or committed suicide.

We are in a spiritual war: You might say that it is prophesied that in the last days that things will be worse so why pray about it. It is true; we are living in the worst times of the history of the world, but we are called to pray because prayer changes everything and the Bible tells us to. We observe that in revival times, there was always a mighty rise in prayer like a roaring river. Prophesy will be fulfilled as the Bible says in the last days there will be a great awakening.

Today, we are witnessing arrows of destruction hitting people with hate crimes, racial murders, spirits of homicide, suicide, terrorism stalking people all over the nations, rape rise by the hour, incest, bestiality, and child trafficking and child rapes, and robbery, same-gender relationships/marriages legalized by some churches, gender identity crisis, and inhumane madness stalking our world. This is because perceptions are cloudy and deceived having exchanged the truth for a lie.

Marriages are being hit more than ever before. There is a venomous enemy lurking around in homes, causing rifts, tiffs, criticism, hidden anger, resentment, rage and finally separation and divorce. Couples think it is about their differences. Not really true. They got married in spite of their differences. Something made them disagree and hate each other enough to separate. If they battled it out as spiritual warriors, they would fall in love with each other in a fresh way in spite of their differences! Sometimes couples remarry other partners and find the same problems following them in their second and third marriages. What guarantee is there that the second marriage would not be worse than the first? It is better to battle out marriages in prayer unto victory and restoration, unless of course that marriage is a threat to life.

This is why we need to rise as Kingdom Warriors! We cannot afford to be drowsy at dawn! This is our call!

Rita F. Kurian

To be continued…

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