October 6 – The Secret Garden
Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
Christ’s Garden is luscious, spiritually powerful, beautiful and reviving. Because it is enclosed with walls of protection, no harm, destruction or evil can touch us. The Garden represents the Bride of Christ’s Garden. In Christ we have a hidden place from the world of deadly wastelands, attacks and howling demonic winds. We are hid in Christ in His Garden protected from all harmful forces. We are to enter the Garden to receive and be strengthened and blessed. However, a Garden is a place that we visit, we do not dwell in the Garden forever.
The statement I am hid in Christ is more powerful than we realize. By divine position, we are hid in Christ, but we ask Him to hide us in Him daily because He hides us from evil seeking us out. As we move out of the Garden on daily tasks, we are still under the hiding protection of Christ because we carry the aroma and essence of the Garden where ever we go. The smell of that Garden, the aroma of Christ frightens demons and Satan.
The Garden had different plants growing, all beautiful, unique, and distinguished from the world’s wastelands. In Christ, we are fruitful and spiritually gifted, the Bride of Christ. Hardened hearts are made fallow in this garden, others undergo change, metamorphosis and others laden with sweet juicy fruit, plants watered by springs of Living Water, the hidden fountain that refreshes us with sweet spiritual water, trees of righteousness pruned by the Father, the Vinedresser, plants nourished by rich soil, fences, and firewalls raised up to protect the Body of Christ. Here in this beautiful Garden, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit take delightful and refreshing walks with us daily and we awestruck and filled with joy in their presence.
If we observe something very important, we will see that everyone in the Garden is at a different stage, unique, but all precious to the Gardner, Jesus Christ.
This Garden is not known or seen or perceived by the world and not accessible to them, but to believers in Christ; (Song of Solomon 4:16) ( 5:1 ) ; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed; One can only enter this wonderful place through the Blood of Christ, the Bride of Christ. Now, one might think believers are being exclusive, but the truth lies here. We are not in this Garden only for our good pleasure but are here to get refreshed daily, so we can reach out to a dying world in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Empowerment is received in this Garden. We have to die to flesh and ego to be in this Garden daily, to get strength and spiritual strength for the work we have to do outside. Walk in the Garden each day and be mightily blessed!