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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

October 18 – Souls over Mortar

October 18 – Souls over Mortar

Matthew 18:20:  20 For where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them.”

Churches spend tons of money investing in lavish sanctuaries.  The building of mortar has gripped the image of the church.  Church leaders want to attract people through those grand cathedrals.  They think this will impress the world and attract people to their church. Even two or three gathered together is powerful.  We should not focus on numbers. We are living in a culture of NUMBERS!  We want more followers, more people in churches, more, more, more! People are paying big money to add followers to their Twitter line, their blogs, etc. etc. etc. It does not mean anything, most will not be real followers, but fake followers.  This only attracts empty vessels, cacophonic din, and chaos. Jesus only had twelve followers and He changed the world.

The red zone of trouble here is the more beautiful the mortar, the more it attracts dark spirits of the world.  The spirits of indulgences, licentiousness, lust, and laziness start to congregate with the congregation.   performances and entertainment start to rule the church.  Finally, we look out for exciting preachers, fantastic singers and constantly want the spirit of entertain to excite our senses.

 As you study Church history, you will find out that the backslidden churches had the greatest investment in mortar, beautiful lavish churches, where people gathered comfortably and never reached out to a dying world. 

Did Jesus say “Go into all the world and build cathedrals for every creature.”   Or did He say “Go to the people?.” God is interested in souls, not buildings.  People are hungry for the things of the spirit, but mega glamorous churches keep pandering its worldly lifestyle.  We know that the simple village churches in India are having a mighty revival, where people draw near in hunger to hear the Word of God. People are hungry for the spiritual.  In simplicity, miracles happen!

Because of pride and ego, leaders may be losing the heart of God because they want lavish churches to impress the masses.  They need to die unto self daily and live unto God.  We need a heart that draws near to God’s throne and not the clone where leaders try to create an artificial spiritual atmosphere which appeases flesh and the soul life.  We will drown in soul life.  Spirit calls spirit. 


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