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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Not One

A three-minute read

While the tag “holy man” or “holy woman” is given to certain religious people, there is not one holy person on Earth. All righteous works are like filthy rags because we can never reach the standard of a Holy God.

If you take a glass of clear sparkling water and are about the drink it and a drop of dirt falls inside, you would throw away the entire water. Sin works the same way, even a drop of sin pollutes our whole body. So who in the world can be holy!? Heaven is pure and holy and Elohim, Mighty God cannot look upon sin, which was why humans birthed with the sin DNA had no chance to step into that Divine place of glory.

  1. We need a Savior because of our sinful DNA, we fall, we fail, we sin, we lie, we cheat, we get angry, etc. etc. etc.

  2. We need a Savior because Satan has held us captive when he came to dwell on Earth and the second heaven. We became captive to Satan since the Fall of Adam and Eve, which is why Christ came to buy us back.

  3. We are condemned to hell without a Savior. Hell is a place of torment without the presence of God. Those who turned away are destined to that place, not because it is the will of God, but because they reject the provision He made for their sins in order to enter the Holy of Holies, the place where God dwells. According to the law of the Spirit, atonement is only through Blood which has the life of mortality to enable us eternal life through the Blood.

This is why the Christ came unto Earth, born as a human to take our sins, upon Himself, died for us, so our sins are paid for, and whoever received this is blessed with a new divine life in Christ where the Holy Spirit helps us in this new walk.

Suddenly, as Christ takes away the judgment of that sin and covers you with His Blood, you become pure and whiter than snow in purity and holiness in a supernatural work of Divinity.

Isaiah 1:18: “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.

The true meaning of Christmas is that God sent his Son into the world to deliver us, for Jesus to take our sin upon Himself, and clean our lives, to heal and restore us for by His stripes we are healed, destroy the works of Satan in our lives, wash away the ravage and destruction he heaps on us, to destroy his influence over our lives, churches, families, homes, schools, governments and workplaces and in our world-system which tries to bring our downfall through nefarious networking. (1 John 3:8), and to rescue us from the wrath to come (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

We need the Savior for there is NOT ONE perfect, not one! Receive the Savior today if you have not. Just call on Him, and when you do that, you will find Him! You will never be disappointed.

© Rita F. Kurian


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