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Miracles Happen When We Walk in Faith – Part I Series – Elder Richard Tamang #truestorie

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

Part 1 – These are short amazing testimonies of a prayer group that prays for people, and they see healing and answers to prayers. As God’s children pray together and intercede for others, they see miracles! Here are just a few testimonies of how God answered prayer, there are literally hundreds that Elder Richard can share!

Elder Richard Tamang – Darjeeling, Siliguri

First of all let me tell you about our prayer partners group, how it was formed as a prayer partners group in 2011. My family and our relatives have family altars in our homes where we get together as a family to worship the Lord with praises, hymns, reading from the Word, “The Bible” and praying for our needs – children’s exams, safely, travel and when sick. It so happened that I had to travel to UK to visit my mother who had heart problems, admitted in the hospital. After various tests were carried out, she was found to have a leaky heart valve, but due to her age, no surgery could be done. She always had this desire to see me (her eldest son) before anything should happen to her. I needed extra prayer support for my travel and also I was suffering from leg problems at that time. My mother’s salvation was very important to me. We needed our prayer partners all involved to pray for her, so I contacted my family relatives and a few church friends, including them in our prayer team and the numbers were 35 members who were willing to pray for the needs of others. This is how this prayer partners group was born, praying for sick people, those who were tormented by evil spirits, people in search of life partners and various other requests were taken before our Living God. I sent SMS’s to each member with requests, sent updates – progress and where prayers are still needed, we obey the Lord’s Word. James 5:13-16. God answered my prayers for my mother wonderfully at that time! Vs14: “And the prayers of faith will save the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up.” Obeying God’s word, this prayer partners group has been since prayed for many people and the Lord has always answered our prayers. The Lord has been gracious and have now added more prayerful and gifted members. Now, we have 100 members, pastors, elders, members of the churches and families. In Feb 2015 we were sad to lose Mrs. Joymit, gifted and mightily used by our Lord. But after a few months, the Lord gave us a very gifted pastor P.D. Bongmo from Sithong Busty (village). We thank our Lord for His servant and his ministry.

May you be blessed by the following testimonies of answered prayers of these prayer partners group in “Miracles Happen When We Walk In Faith – Part II” Testimony 1 November 2012: Leukemia, (blood cancer) healed Little Manavi Dikshit, 3-year-old-3-month-old daughter of Mrs. Martha and Mr. Yogesh, live in Darjeeling and had come down to Siliguri for the winter months. Little Manavi was not keeping well for some time, having loose motions and stomach infection. Her parents were worried and took her to Dr. Ajit Chettri for checkup. The doctor told them to do a few tests including blood count test, After all the tests were done, the report was taken to the doctor. Then the parents of Manavi got shocking news. The blood count test showed that the white cell counts were more than the red cell counts! Later Manavi was diagnosed as having “leukemia – blood cancer”. The parents, of course, distraught went by flight to Bombay Tata Memorial Hospital Cancer Center immediately on November 28th where little Manavi began her treatment with chemotherapy and medicines. They stayed there for seven months, as she was getting treated there. All prayers were continually going on for Manavi in the church and in prayer groups. The prayer partners group were finally involved in praying for Manavi for her healing. Only God could heal her miraculously for His own glory and praise for as we all know. leukemia really needs a miracle. Every 3 months, they had to visit the hospital for review, check up and maintenance. By June 2013, Mr. Yogesh, the father of Manavi wanted to surrender his life and follow Jesus Christ. At that time, many prayers and fellowship were given to the family. In November 2013, Mr. Yogesh attended a church service for the first time, and thereafter continued to do so every Sunday without fail. Finally, Mr. Yogesh decided to be baptized and the following year, by April 2014,he was baptized along with little Manavi . Mr Yogesh continued to go to church, read the Bible daily, pray and grow in faith. Prayers were still going on for little Manavi Deborah’s health and healing. In August 2015, this time when they visited the hospital, various tests were again carried out. Thee results showed everything was fine and little Manavi Deborah was okay. All the medications were stopped and she was healed completely. We thank our Living God for answering the prayers and miraculously healing Manavi Deborah Dikshit. She is now 6 years old, attending school in 2015. Manavi’s father shares his blessings. “Firstly, I would like to praise our good Lord, the Father, The Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit God for choosing me and my daughter Manavi Deborah from the lost crowd on this planet Earth. Since the presence of Jesus Christ is now in our life and family, I would just like to say that the sickness of Manavi was just an eye opener towards His love and mercy and grace. “The past, present and the future we all have dedicated to Christ since He has given Manavi and me and my family a new ray of light and hope for a better life and salvation. Manavi is now healed and leading a normal healthy life all because of His grace and presence. A new chapter of our lives has started which we dedicate to Christ.” Testimony 2

September 2013: “Healed From Septicemia” Mr. Rocky Gardner (colleague) worked in Mount Hermon School, Darjeeling. After retirement, he decided to buy a flat and settle in Siliguri. In the month of September, he suddenly became very ill and was rushed to Neotia Hospital where he was admitted into the ICU immediately. Various tests were done and after a week he was discharged from the hospital. We went to see him and I was shocked to see him so thin, weak, unable to stand and lying in bed and he could only whisper. We prayed for him and back home sent SMSs to all our prayer partners to pray for God’s mercy and healing touch. After 2 months, still no improvement, grew weaker. So we went to him him again with Mrs. A. Mahbert, (Mahbert High School, Siliguri, wife of founder) a very prayerful lady, always out to help and bless others, serving the Lord and overseeing her church spent some time in prayer for him and Holy Communion was given to him by Pastor Enos Simick while prayers continued for him. After a couple of weeks, his younger son, Andrew who manages a Tea Plantation took him to the tea garden to look after him as he was very ill. We were in touch, inquiring about Mr. Gardner’s health. We heard to our relief that he was getting better. I finally manged to get the phone number of Andrew and found out that Mr. Rocky Gardner was normal now. When I heard this, I wanted to meet him. On November 11, 2015, I went to see him. I was pleased to see him fit and well on his feet moving about. After spending some time with him, I came to know that when he was admitted to the hospital, his sugar levels were high, he had lung infection, bone infection and septicemia. The doctor had told his son we have done all we can – there is no hope, take him home and give him whatever he wants to eat.” As we all know, once septicemia settles in, there is not much that can be done, especially in the elderly. Some time later, Mr. Rocky Gardner visited the same doctor to sign some medical papers as he required to draw his pension from the bank. When the doctor saw him, he just stood up from his chair and sat down again! He was dumbfounded and could not speak , shocked and unable to believe he was alive when he had said there was no hope. When there is no hope, there is hope in our living loving God. We are blessed to know that the Lord answered the prayers of many who were sincerely praying for him during the time he was so ill and now has healed him completely! Praise God! Testimony 3

October 27, 2013: Sudden Serious Illness After Retina Surgery Mr. Sangay Golay had a retina surgery that was successfully done in Kalimpong (hills of district of Darjeeling). After a week, he went for checkup and suddenly in the doctor’s chamber Mr. Golay collapsed. No one knew why.. He was immediately rushed down to Siliguri. By the time he arrived, he was unconscious and admitted to the ICU at Anandlok Hospital. The doctor who visited the patient said nothing could be said until he becomes conscious again. They took full blood samples for tests. The next day, I visited him in the ICU. He was still unconscious. I prayed for him touching him, praying that our Almighty compassionate Lord would touch him in compassion, forgiving his sins and bring him back to consciousness by tomorrow. I also sent SMSs to our prayer partners to pray for him. The next day, I got to know that the nurse on duty that as she wanted to straighten up his bed sheet and told him to lift his back, to her surprise, he responded to her voice and lifted up his back. After sometime, he opened his eyes. His family were called to tell them that he was conscious now. He recognized his family members by name. He soon regained recovery to everyone’s delight and could recognize the people who came to see him. Today, his life is renewed even spiritually and he prays much for people. He is also one of our prayer partners. The results of the blood test and his becoming unconscious was due to low sodium salt in the body. We praise and thank our loving God for hearing our prayers. We also thank God for granting new a new lease of life to Sanjay Golay. We know nothing is impossible with God! Testimony 4

March 2015: “Suffering From Brain Disorder” In the village of Giddobling, Kalimpong in the hills of Darjeeling district, a school-going girl of 12 years old suddenly became mentally disturbed. I received an SMS from one of our prayer partners for Manisha Rai suffering from brain disorder, but really was (controlled) possessed by an evil spirit since one month. As requested prayer partners were all informed accordingly to pray for Manisha that our Lord would bring her back to her right mind again. In April 2015 after one month, we received an SMS “Thank you dear partners, Manisha is going to school, now she is getting better.” Our merciful loving God had healed her back to normal again. We thank and praise His name. Manisha is now perfectly healed and delivered out of the oppression. Jesus delivers us from our tormentor, Satan and his demons! We need not fear evil attacks, curses, black magic or hexes on our lives as Jesus breaks every curse and black magic when we call on Him! Demons, hell and evil fear Him! Testimony 5

July 2015 “Artery block cleared” Eddie, my son was not keeping well for sometime. He had chest pains, feeling weak, and a breathing problem. Dr. Tomar, the heart cardiologist said that it was a heart valve leak and he needed to do an angiogram. On taking a second opinion, another doctor wanted him to do a treadmill test – the result showed artery blockage and he prescribed medicines to clear the blockage. Prayer requests were sent out to all our prayer partners giving details of the reports. Even a prayer request was sent to Canada to one of our prayer partners at that time. Later, my son Eddie traveled to Katmandu, on August 24, 2015. He had an appointment with Dr. B. Koirala, one of the world’s best gold medalist heart surgeons to do the angiogram. As they rechecked Eddie again, all were amazed to find out that the report showed no heart blockage and his heart was okay. It was nothing short of a miracle. Yes, maybe the medicines and prayers together cleared the block, but we all know that a blockage cannot clear so quickly. Definitely, the Lord’s hand was on this one! Now Eddy is active, doing his work in school. We give glory to our Lord for His healing touch and also to our prayer partners for their support. God has healed Eddie many times through very supernatural means and I believe our daily prayers protect and deliver from all accidents, attacks and sickness. Testimony 6

September 16, 2015: “Insomnia Sleeplessness Healed For He gives to His beloved Sleep” Mrs. Sumit Subba is member of our church and her husband Mr. Silas Subba, is the church organist. Mrs. Sumit Subba spent sleepless nights for many months. She is a faithful follower of the Lord, prays much, but sleep just vanished from her eyes. Those sleepless nights robbed her of a normal life, because deprived sleep caused headaches, tiredness, and stress and can really be a plague in anyone’s life. She spent countless nights, awake, tossing and turning in her bed until morning. One evening, we had a fellowship meeting in her house and I was sharing from the Word of God Job 42:8-10 how Job received double blessing back after he prayed for his three friends. After that, Mrs. Sumit Subba also felt impressed from the Lord that she needed special prayer for her insomnia. At our prayer time, we asked the Lord to heal, restore her sleep according to His Word Psalm 127: 2 and give peace to her heart. When I came home, I sent an SMS to all the prayer partners to pray for Mrs. Subba. Sometimes the Lord answers immediately, other times, one has to wait a while to get the answer. We never can know that the Lord will do next! Next morning, I phoned Mr. Subba to enquire about his wife, at 8 a.m. He told me she was still sleeping! The Lord had heard our prayers and granted her sleep again. She later shared how she got wonderful deep sleep that she got after a long time in her life! Today, she is happy, enriched in faith, and praying for others. We give glory, praise and thank our loving caring God. A word of thank you from Mr. Silas Subba: Yes! Indeed, we give praise and glory to our great God because He hears our prayers and answers them. Psalm 34: 1-4 Vs. 1: “I will extol the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips. Vs. 2: My soul will boast in the Lord, let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Vs. 3: Glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together. Vs. 4: I sought the Lord and He answered me. He delivered me from all my fears.” He has delivered Mrs. Sumit Subba, my wife from insomnia (sleeplessness) and as of now she is sleeping well. Thanks also to Brother Richard’s prayer partners since this was possible due to this relentless prayer support and my wife in reciprocation prays for each of them that the Lord will continue to use them through this ministry and be channels of blessing to all needy believers. It is my earnest prayer that the Lord will bless them for His glory, praise and honor. Mr. Silas Subba (husband) God grants sweet sleep to His children! When He ask Him, every simple prayer and complicated prayer is answered! Testimony 7

December 8, 2015 – New Lease of Life Granted by The Lord Mrs. Mary Pradhan was suffering from liver cirrhosis and 80% of her liver was damaged. She had high sugar levels, high blood pressure, and water in the lungs. She was admitted in the ICU at Nayak Nursing Home, vomiting blood, esophagus, binding, and glue was done. Prayers were sent to our prayer partners to pray that the Lord would give her the gift of healing on this Christmas season so that the family could rejoice this Christmas. Over this period of time, we rejoice to witness that Mrs. Mary Pradhan started to get better and slipped out of danger from this very dilapidated illness. She is now discharged from the hospital in a very improved condition. Our Lord heard and granted this special gift of healing this Christmas. We thank the Lord and give Him the glory and praise and also thank our prayer partners for their support. Miracles indeed happen when we walk in faith and trust God… We can testify of hundreds of answers through simple prayers of faith, when we obey and trust God and we have seen amazing answers to prayer over the years! Praise the Lord! May our Lord bless you all this Christmas season! 2015 Elder Richard Tamang.

P.S. (I posted this late..apologies, I had it in my other blog. Rita)

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