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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Mindless Mobs

Today, when I see a mob culture flowing forth in surges of rage, I realize they are still caged. They are blinded in mists and have lost the ability to think and reason because they are fed vigorously by forces they cannot reason with.

People in power use the mindless mob syndrome a lot, to control masses who stopped thinking..Masses who follow mind-control leaders. These leaders propagate an idea and spread it through literature, social media, and other people. Soon, people pick up the thread that spreads and the thread goes on. We see the Internet plant information which can never be verified to control our minds and give us material and data that has no roots with unverified sources, but we soak it all up, gullible and wide eyed. Even our news channels feed us with their networking focus to drill their views and thoughts into us. They selectively leave out large portions of truth because they want to indoctrinate us with their perspective of things.

In India, the ruling party wanted to create a cartoon image of the opposition party’s president Rahul Gandhi so for a number of years, ridiculed him relentlessly on social media, spread lies that he was a cocaine addict, mocked his intelligence and soon the nation was roaring with laughter whenever his name was mentioned, (at least a large part until recently).

Recently, I heard his sister say he studied deeply on many subjects, he is a black belt in Aikido, a licensed pilot, and can dive 75 meters under the sea in a single breath and much more. Now, while these are not credentials for being a prime minister, it does reveal the potential of the man, for it requires deep discipline and dedication to develop such skills besides the talent and intelligence along with his compassionate heart. For the false propaganda of making him a clown was malicious networking on the mindless mobs.

Realize that jesting about others is a cruel form of mockery and to bring down is a low neech thing to do.

Saying this, we have to remember that we cannot follow the mob hysteria. Cut the threads to mob-drawing cobwebs and step out of that sticky path that wants to keep us in.

We need to rise above a crowd, and walk a different path that impacts others eternally.

So let us reason today…let us be careful not believe everything we hear and read, use our own insight, understanding, gut, intuition, look for wisdom and understanding and deliver yourself from hate speech, mockery and propaganda because in the end…all of this will fail. Have mercy and you will be given mercy!

Rita F. Kurian

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