May 24 – The Glowing Sea of Glass
Revelation 15:2 says, “I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire.”
The glass sea is before the Throne. It was a place of purity as it was crystal, clear, without confusion, without waves, upheavals, ripples, pain, anxieties or fears. Purity and calmness were upon the sea of glass. Revelation 4:6 says, “Before the throne there was as it were a sea of glass, like crystal.” Revelation 15:2 says, “I saw what appeared to be a sea of glass mingled with fire.”
What John saw was impossible to describe – the sea’s motion was calm expanse and glass implied transparency and purity. Add to that the words “crystal” and “mingled with fire,” and chances are that John was trying to convey the bright brilliance, vast expanse of ocean, and crystal lucid purity of what he saw.
Today, we may not fully understand the heavenly sights, the sea of glass or the Throne for now, we see “through a glass darkly,” and, to a certain degree, the “sea of glass” and other heavenly sights will remain mysteries – until we see them for ourselves with glorified eyes and minds, but in the greater glory wave, clearer illumination will come to us. Suddenly we see something in a new light; however, we must be careful not to start teaching these illuminations to others as doctrinal truth. Paul saw visions of Heaven, which he noted for himself and did not share with others. God gives these to help us understand the spiritual realm and help others in different areas of their lives, but not to thrust “new” teachings on them. There are visions I have seen which I would never share as the “Gospel” truth. We still know in part.
Jesus is our peace. As we align ourselves to God, we will experience that supernatural peace that descends upon us mirrored from the sea of glass. Our knowledge of God becomes real as we position ourselves into deeper intimacy with Christ.
God positions us to see His God, the image of the invisible God (see Colossians 1:15). When we read His Word, meditate on it, and pray, sing, worship, we start to dwell in His glory, and He imparts greater revelation of His nature in our lives. It’s through restored intimacy that we discover our truest nature in Him.
If we want to live in the experiential knowledge of the power of God, we have to draw near to Him in intimacy. There is no other way. Draw to the source.