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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

May 16 – Protection from a Severe Road Accident – #devotion #spirituallife

May 16 – Protection from a Severe Road Accident

Psalm 68:20, ” And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.”

This is a short testimony of how prayer builds a wall of protection around a family to protect them from a road accident – Albert, Laly and Family

On June 27, 2014, evening in Bangalore, Albert, Laly, and their two young boys, Isaac and Jonathan got into the Maruti red car, looking forward to a good road journey that evening.  They were travelling to Coimbatore, which is about 365 kilometers away from Bangalore, invited to speak in a retreat for IT professionals the next day.  They always enjoyed good road trips, travelling often from Bangalore to Kerala.

Albert is the Director of Abhayam (place of comfort) a healing place for addicts, and his wife Laly always focuses on prayer.  In fact, that year 2014 began with a week of prayer and fasting, which they often did.  In fact, Abhayam and their own home is infused with prayer.

As they were travelling on the road at around 8 pm that evening, they noticed a car ahead of them with youngsters driving wildly and at breakneck speed .  A few minutes later, that car ahead of them suddenly braked and Albert jammed suddenly into the car.  Albert was sitting in the front with Isaac and Laly in the back with Jonathan.  The front of the car caved in, Albert’s head smashed into the steering wheel, bleeding profusely and the windscreen was fully shattered.  With splattered glass all around and a badly mangled twisted car, anyone looking at that would shake their heads sadly and say, “Poor things, no one could have survived that one!”

People suddenly came running from all directions and on opening the doors found all four huddled inside, bruised, bleeding, but no broken bones!  Albert and family had a glorious time of thanksgiving in the car on realization that all of them were alive.

A few minutes later, they sat in the petrol pump at Sangagiri, the exact location where the accident took place, taking time to absorb the whole wrecking incident.  They found out that the youth were drunk, which was why the driver braked so suddenly in an inebriated state of mind.

As the family waited, their minds cleared and began to focus on God.  He kept them alive for a purpose.  They went ahead with their meeting in Coimbatore, the next day which became even more meaningful and powerful to everyone.

The next day as they were reading the Bible, they got Psalm 68:20, ” And to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death.”

They learned a lesson from this – God is in control, not their driving skills.  

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