March 23 – Doubting Thomas to a Faith Hero
1 Timothy 6:12 King: Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
We are aware that despite these hard times during the COVID-19 attack when nations and communities are uniting to help each other, Christians are still being persecuted daily in India and it is not stopping! Here is the link, just to be aware and pray for Christians in India:
Thomas was once called “doubting Thomas” because he needed to see things to substantiate his faith. After being filled with the Holy Spirit, his life translated into a mighty man of God. He crossed turbid seas to reach the South of India. As we know, he shared the Good News and many came to Christ. This rose the anger of the local priests and in Tamil Nadu, a Hindu priest, a worshiper of the goddess, Kali, speared him in rage on a hilly top near the temple. Thomas died a hero of the faith. While it seemed terrible, his death was not in vain. It is horrible to say, “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church“, but it does mysteriously happen, faith rises more. New things happen. The grain of seed dies to create a bigger harvest.”
Persecution of the Body of Christ is not in vain. It comes before Heaven and the angels carefully watch everything that is happening. In times like this, God sends us supernatural love, joy and peace releasing His Kingdom within us because we abide under the hard times.
We can never know what God has in store for us, we may not all be called to die a literal martyr death, but we sure do get persecuted in different ways. Our rights being taken away, sometimes scorned as an inferior citizen, subject to mocking.
Ronald Reagan said, “There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.”
Be encouraged that in these hard times, God has thousands with us, we are not alone! Unite together in universal prayer and keep praying for each other.
The early church kept praying for each other through the night watches.
The fear of death leaves us if the time comes to die. We translate to another realm of supernatural peace, calm and joy. Many saints before they died were singing songs, saw the Heavens open, saw Jesus or saw angels. They died with joy.
Our daily persecutions too can be overcome with the Holy Spirit dwelling richly in us. Either God can change our situations or fill us with joy, so that our trials seem nothing in comparison to the glory set before us in the Kingdom.