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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

March 13 – The Prison Battle Song – Courage Series – #dailydevotion, #spirituallife, #Ch

March 13 – The Prison Battle Song

Acts 16:25-34 King James Version (KJV):  25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.

Remember, Paul and Silas were persecuted and were locked in prison but before that flogged and beaten for simply being “a public nuisance.”  Many times, we are accused of the same, especially when we share the Good News!

While in the prison, Paul and Silas could have been despondent or afraid, but instead, they chose to sing.  It took great courage to sing.  As you know, they could have been flogged more for singing too!  As they sang, the prison doors open. 

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”

In these days of persecution, keep worshiping and singing, making melody in your hearts all the time, even silently.  As your life becomes a praise offering, many prison doors will open.  If you are literally in prison too, keep singing, breakthrough will come.  We do believe by the Word of faith and prophecy that 2020 will be springboard to the unlocking of all that God wants to do in this age.  We see the signs of the times.  Things are happening rapidly and while many things look dark, the Lord wants His people to move to the new places with new spiritual authority in the darkest times.  New heavenly glory will be released, fresh wind, fresh fire, revival rain will fall.  All this has to happen, but people have to be willing to worship God on a daily basis.

For this to happen, we have to ask the Holy Spirit every day, “What do you want to show me? What do you want me to do today?  See, it is new wine ever day. Often, we relish on the morsels of yesterday’s victories, but the Lord wants us to:

  1. Drink the new wine daily as they did, commune with the Holy Spirit.

  2. Receive fresh fire, wind and living waters daily through spending time with Him.

  3. Think and talk with the Lord to receive His mind and strength for all situations.

  4. Keep yourself attuned to Him in one melody and song through worship. A new song and symphony will arise out of you!

When people sing, miracles happen because it connects them to the Throne of God where there is constant praise and worship.  When Paul and Silas sang, prison doors opened marvelously.  We get delivered out of our prisons and psychedelic prisms that hold us in bondage when we cultivate a heart of worship.


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