In Uttar Pradesh, minor school students are taking a pledge to make India a Hindu Rashtra propagated by Suresh Chavhanke, who shared it.
In the disturbing video which emerged on social media on December 22, the children in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh are being indoctrinated to say they will kill or die to make India a Hindu Nation.
This video is from Sonbhadra. Minor school students are taking pledge to make India a Hindu Rashtra and supporting Hatemonger Suresh Chavahnke. They are ready to kill or die to make India a Hindu Nation. — HindutvaWatch (@HindutvaWatchIn) December 28, 2021
They are standing in military stance in open ground, right hand raised straight ahead of them in a vow and chant together after the leader repeating, “We promise to work towards making India, keeping India a Hindu Rashtra. We will fight for this, die for this, and if required, kill for this. But, we will not back down even for a moment, no matter the sacrifice. May our ancestors, teachers, Mother India give us enough strength so that we can fulfill our pledge. May they give us victory,” the perpetrator could be heard saying in the video, which was then repeated by the schoolchildren.
The Sonbhadra Police said that an investigation is being conducted into the matter, but when Sudarshan News Editor-in-Chief Suresh Chavhanke on Wednesday, 29 December, posted a video clip on his official Twitter account, who is well known for his hate speeches, and this video is posted just after Chavhanke administered a similar oath during an event organized by the Hindu Yuva Vahini on 19 December in Delhi, the investigation declaration seems just the standard statement, and nothing will come out of it. Thus far, only after national outrage is displayed is a bit of action taken.
While some citizens may be concerned about the Nazi-style indoctrination of youth and children, no one is doing enough to stop it. The gas chambers did not happen instantly, but took the world by storm when it happened and triggered World Wars. The grounds for genocide are breeding, this is the period of incubation but the world is still sleeping.