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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

June 7 – The Listening Prayer- #devotion #spiritualinspiration

June 7 – Listening to the Voice of God

Isaiah 51:4: Pay attention to Me, My people, and listen to Me.

God speaks to us through His Word, through people, through dreams, through circumstances, speaks deep into our hearts, and sometimes, some of us even get to hear Him audibly!

When He speaks to us, our lives are never the same.

Here is a little testimony of how God spoke to a man. Joshua Woodcook and his ex-girlfriend broke up after a long relationship, and he was very depressed and started smoking pot heavily.

Then something strange started to occur, he developed a concern he never had for people, one might say it was the pot, but he had never experienced something like that before. He found out his Aunt had a brain tumor and was getting surgery for it, so he prayed for her, and he had not prayed for anyone in a long time! He suddenly heard a voice say, “You’re going to go to church tomorrow, and when the pastor calls for people to go down front, you go down front.” He didn’t think much of it. The next day, the ex-girlfriend’s friend who heard what he was going through invited him to her church.

On Sunday morning, he headed out to church, almost turned back, but then went on driving. As he was in the city, he again heard a voice speaking to him and told him His angels were all around. As he listened, he felt bolts of electricity go through him. He finally said, “I am trying to connect everything. Before I was able to, I heard His voice again, (and it was the last time I heard Him audibly) and He said, “Joshua, My love is all around you and My signs are everywhere” Later after the service he said, Joshua, now you know I am real…you’ve heard about Me since you were a kid…I am Jesus…I am the living God” Then his mind started flooding with memories from all through his life and he realized He had been with him and he had never even known it. This happened June 13, 1999 and his life changed forever.

There is greater joy in listening to God, more than even speaking! Sometimes, we hear Him as a still small voice, sometimes, a strong intuition, gut feeling, and that is the Holy Spirit impressing things on us. Your spirit connected to the Holy Spirit internally has to keep up the communion. This is called abiding. Your spirit is independent of your flesh, your natural body. This is the part of you which is immortal…you soul/spirit will live forever. The soul is the seat of your thoughts and emotions, but your spirit is the spiritual substance that makes that connection to God. It is important for spiritual grown to keep up the communion and keep listening to God. When you do, you will be amazed at the strength, joy and breakthroughs in your life!


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