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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

June 28 – Light Over Darkness #spiritualinspiration

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

June 28 – Light Over Darkness

Leviticus 19:31: ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.

Dabbling with the occult opens doors for spirits to torment families.  Here is the powerful testimony of Rev. Somsak Choosong, who was a former Thai exorcist. His grandfather was an exorcistand trained him up to be one as well.  He raised him up in his own house and taught him black magic, spells, incantations.  His grandfather communicated with ghosts and evil spirits, did miracles, cast spells on people and could even walk on fire. However, one day, SomsakChoosong decided he was done with the ghosts because he had become their victims.  He soon discovered that his grandfather was actually a slave of the evil spirits and used to do their biddings. His grandfather passed away, but Somsak Choosong refused to be an exorcist to the disappointment of his family.  One day a woman cursed him saying when he was 21 and still not an exorcist, she would kill him.  He was not afraid of her at all but decided if he would not live for long, he wanted to enjoy his life.  He asked for a huge sum of money from his father, got into gambling, drugs, alcohols, etc. However, this lifestyle made him more depressed.  His maternal grandfather had told him to be ordained a Buddhist novice, claiming this to be the best solution for him. He was a novice for 2 years, but still confused and unhappy.

One day, on his travels, a good friend took me to the Christian Manorom Hospital. We arrived there around 9 o’clock in the morning when there’s an outdoor evangelism in the vicinity of OPD building. Now I heard a Thai man speaking about Jesus Christ but he felt extreme hatred towards him and he laughed at him hard and loud hoping he would stop his preaching about Christ!  The man said calmly, “Everyone has sinned.” He retorted, “It’s not surprised for I know who I am.” The man said, “But Jesus has the power to forgive sins.”  The word “power” had greatly touched his heart. He wanted to prove this power. Usually before bedtime, he would chant for at least 2 hours, praying to the images and the spirits. If not, he would be harassed by the spirits all through the night.  That night he said to Jesus, “If you really have the power to forgive sins, please reveal it to me by protecting me from the power of evil spirits.” Then he went to bed and slept like a log. When he woke up, he realized that Jesus’ power is more powerful than that of the evil spirits.  Now, he wanted to know more about Jesus. The search went on until he witnessed more miracles when he prayed to Jesus. He finally gave his life to Christ and found true peace of mind. Any other evil spirits which I had encountered before couldn’t give me this peace. I was so glad, wanting to know Him more. The more I read the Bible, which is God’s Words, the more I cried…cried so hard due to having felt greatly appreciated His love for me. The woman spirit tried to claim his life at 21, but when he said, “I belong to Jesus” the spirit fell down and then walked away. He awoke his friend who also saw the spirit walk into a big tree, never to return. Sometimes, the old spirits tried to haunt him, but he learned to ignore them.

It is important never to dabble in the occult, and if you are being plagued by evil spirits, ignore them, focus on God, pray to Him, worship Him and His glory will encase around you and the evil spirits will have to flee!  Lord Jesus Christ has already defeated Satan.

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