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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

June 23 – The Song in the Night #spiritualinspiration

June 23 – The Song in the Night

Psalm 117:17-19 17:   I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord.18 The Lord chastising hath chastised me: but He hath not delivered me over to death.  19 Open ye to me the gates of justice: I will go into them, and give praise to the Lord.

Here is a mighty testimony from Sister Neithou Simick, Nagaland/Siliguri, India.  She is a mighty prayer warrior, the wife of Pastor Enoch Simick. After she got married, she found out that it would be impossible to bear children. She poured in her prayers to God interceding for a child.  In 1990, the miracle happened, she had a daughter, Grace on November 8th and in 1994 had another lovely daughter, Mercy on April 20th.  Both these two wonderful babies defied medical science; gifted by the Hand of God as trophies of His miraculous power. Later, she started feeling very ill and by the end of 1994, had to visit a doctor.  Later the doctors discovered that she had cancer with tumor in her womb and several gallstones in her gallbladder.  She underwent treatment, which she did not complete due to financial difficulties.  Later, she was taken to Mumbai where the doctors said she was in the last stages of cancer and there was no hope for her.

            Things went from bad to worse, and finally she was transferred to Holy Spirit Hospital and felt a tremendous peace in the hospital.  However, she had a stroke, lay in bed, comatose, and could not move or speak, but heard people talking about her funeral arrangements and tears rolled down her cheeks, her heart tore. Then sudden, something new happened inside of her.  A holy fight rose up inside of her silently.  She prayed to God silently saying “Father, all it takes is a little faith, faith of a mustard seed, I take this little faith I have, use it to raise me up.”

            As she lay in her bed, a Bible verse shone through her soul: Psalm 117:17-19 17:   I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord.18 The Lord chastising hath chastised me: but He hath not delivered me over to death.  19 Open ye to me the gates of justice: I will go into them, and give praise to the Lord.The Bible became her sword of faith, as Bible verses poured into her heart, building up her faith and filling her with peace. She also remembered books of faith declarations and by faith kept praying.

            The pain in her abdomen grew worse due to the gallstones.  She would cry through the night.  One night after crying, she fell asleep.  She then had a dream where she was taken to a big hospital and a powerful doctor came in to treat her.  He wore a crisp white coat that looked somewhat dazzling.  He gave her something to eat, it was cool and sweet and she felt healing flow through her body as she took it, cool cleansing waves went through her.  In her dream, she started singing,”In my Father’s House, there is peace…” As she kept singing, she felt myself rising and then she saw her late father in my dream.  He was singing along with her. Then the wonderful miracle happened – after the dream and singing, the pain left and never came back! This was over twenty years back, and God is strengthening her day by day.

Sometimes, we have to come into the battle field and fight and our songs in the darkest nights are very powerful.  Even though we are physically weak, our silent prayers and worship can be more powerful than we realize.  Sing in the dark nights and receive your miracle!


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