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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

 July 1 – Remain in the Truth #spiritualinspiration

 July 1 – Remain in the Truth

John 8:31-32 The Truth Will Set You Free 31 So Jesus, “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

 His Truth opens our heavenly purview to perceive situations in a heavenly light, which is pure, piercing and perceptive from His thoughts.  His Truth takes away the pain.

Be constantly in God, who is Truth.

Be constantly in the Word, which is Truth.

Be constantly in the Holy Spirit, who takes us from Truth to Truth and Glory to Glory.

Once we make those decisions to ask Him to give us His Truth, He pours His Truth to our situations to counteract the lies of Satan.  He also gives us wisdom in His Truth, teaching us what we should do and how to do it.

Name the areas in your life where you experience pain, write them down, and then pray over them and ask the Lord to show you the lie that is holding you in pain.  Ask His Truth to come into that area and deliver you.  You will suddenly see the whole situation in a new light and the pain will leave you!

We are never to remain in the zone of darkness but in those dark times, cleave to His Truth which will would deliver us and take us out of those dark painful lies.  God will take us out of the dark realms, deliver us and pour His Light and Truth through!  This will release us to fullness and wholeness.


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