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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

January 3 – Call Unto Me – Devotional Thought #WritingCommunity #SPIRITUAL #Inspiratio

January 3

Jeremiah 33:3: Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’

All that is, is already in the Word, we cannot add to it, but many verses remain locked to us.  We have not because we ask not. Many times, in hard times, we ask people to pray in prayer chains so we think it is covered and really don’t pray ourselves.  Things still remain blocked because God wants our personal involvement. There are things we still cannot fathom.  God wants to unlock His foundational strategies to us so we can glean greater dimensions, gain wisdom and insight.  He wants us learn how to operate in His Kingdom with power, word and deed.  He wants show us secrets in Time.  The Bible says, in the last days, knowledge will increase.  The hour of the end of times in approaching, things will get worse in every way. This does not mean that we just let things happen.

In this divine makeover, calling unto the Father in deep supplication and intercession is key.  We think, “Oh, God already knows, so why should we call?”  Well, the key of the Kingdom spiritual principle is our will.  He needs our willed corporation and our alignment with Heaven when He makes those Divine shifts.  When we pray and call, He releases the force of armies of angels on Earth.  Prison doors will swing open, people in bondages will be set free and hard rulers may change hearts or big shifts will take place.  The presence of multitudes of angels clears the spiritual atmosphere, and creates beautiful pathways for the new things to be established.  The angels clear the air for souls to be delivered, set free, for miracles to transpire and for revival to shower down on nations. 

So, this year, spend time in prayer, calling upon Him to show you and release the great and mighty things.  In a new flood of understanding, prayer strategies will be revealed, hidden things will show up so people can deal with them, we will see into the spiritual realm in order to pray or complete a task.  Healing and miracles and an awakening revival will happen because of our calling unto our Creator. 

Rita F. Kurian

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