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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

January 29 The Voice of Jesus Blazes in Our Hearts – A Devotion

Luke 24:32 They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”

The two disciples of Jesus, Cleopas and one who remains unnamed were walking on the road to Emmaus, around six miles from Jerusalem.  They were sad that day as Jesus was crucified.  As they were walking, Jesus joined with them as they walked, though they did not know that it was Jesus and He asked them why they seemed so sad as they were walking and talking together. As He spoke to them and opened the scriptures to them, their hearts started to burn and strange comfort filled their hearts.

  1. When the Lord speaks to us, our hearts start to burn. I remember when I was newly born again as a Christian, a Christian friend, a pastor’s wife and I were talking in the taxi that we were travelling in.  She started to encourage me to go to Bible college, and all that way on our journey, as she spoke, my heart burned with fire.  I knew the Lord was speaking to me.  I finally made that decision to join a Bible college in Mumbai and when I did that, the doors miraculously opened for me, one by one, financially, a place to stay, and so many other details fell into place.  When God wants you to do something, He opens the way, and also confirms it by that special fire that glows in your heart.

  2. Jesus speaks to all of us as long as we are seeking Him. Recently, a Hindu extremist on Twitter was attacking me for my faith, and finally shared an article that Jesus was an invention of the Romans and He wasn’t real.  While I realized this man filled with hatred who claimed deeper spirituality than Christians could not know God, who is Love.  The Holy Spirit reminded me that cults figures die within ten years while fake inventions barely last a few months. If Jesus was fake, why are there 2.2 billion Christians in the world? This is because Jesus is alive, working powerfully mightily in lives, manifesting His power. Millions come to the faith through healings, deliverances, as they did too in the Book of Acts in the Bible.

  3. Jesus is alive, His Holy Spirit is the fire, water, and wine in our hearts.

Jesus is real, and as John the Baptist said, Jesus was going to manifest as fire to purge us, baptizing us with the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3:16).  This is the reality and power of our faith.


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