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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

January 22 – Turning to the Light – A Devotion

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

2 Corinthians 3:18 “We can all draw close to Him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into His very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”

As the last days hasten in time, with rise in turmoil, troubles and dark clouds, God is supernaturally also releasing the greater glory into the Earth. And what is the greater glory? It is the Kingdom of Heaven being release on Earth as it is in Heaven – Revival! It is also us; the people being ignited by the Holy Spirit at a new level. In this time, we are released from demonic trappings to walk in greater freedom in Christ, empowered in deeper measures by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, in the last days, there would be great trouble, but also the work of the Holy Spirit will be mightier.

1. In this awakening, believers will be raised all over the Earth. In this time, the young man, young woman, child, middle aged, youth and the old will rise and shine.

2. This glory is released from above and also emanates from us through the Holy Spirit. It does not depend on us, but rather, how much we release ourselves to Him, so that we allow Him to take over.

3. In this glory, we will see people walking in darkness turn to the Light. In fact, when people are dying, they see the Light, most people embrace the Light, while some turn away. Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world.” In those near-death experiences, the ones that embraced the Light noted that the ones who turned away slid into a cell of darkness and they were confused. Perhaps it was a sort of hell, but we don’t know if they turned back to the Light. This only God knows if they returned back. In these amazing near-death experiences, the ones in the dungeons suddenly tried to call “Jesus” or cried “God” and His presence approached in light and He drew them out of the dungeon. However, there were many still in the dungeons, looking confused, some angry, all with conflicting emotions. Note, they too had a chance to call God, but they didn’t know how. If we live far away from God on earth, one day when we leave this earth, we wouldn’t know how to connect to Him or call unto Him. Living in hatred, revenge, murder, rape etc., are some of the evils that blind humans where they never call upon God even in their last moments, unless they repent, which is possible. There is a last chance for every single human on earth, no matter how evil. That is why Jesus Christ died on the Cross, for the world, and every single soul, such is His love for each of us.

4. In the last days, though the darkness is increasing, God will release a new fourth wave of the largest world awakening. Today, we see this wave manifest first in the socio-political realm, but later, it will manifest in the spiritual realm. God’s pure glory will override all the others Heaven’s waterfalls are poured unto Earth in the greatest measures.

Seek His presence, remain in Him, for all this is enabled through Him. As we gaze upon Him and chew upon His Word of Life, the waterfalls of Heaven will be released abundantly not only on our lives, but over the Earth.


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