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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

January 14 – The New Glory Waves – Devotional Meditation

Joel 2:28: “And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

Wickedness is rising in the world. The things we hear of today sting us to pain and horror and hope seems to be a flickering flame. But revivalists are rising, proclaiming that world revival will come and we are preparing for the greatest revival on Earth. This revival will release the waterfalls of Heaven, open locked faucets on Earth, and Rain on hungry spiritually starved people. It will be more phenomenal than all the wonders the world has seen, from the Northern lights, to the glory of hosts of shootings stars or the groaning of Earth as it shifts positions. This season will release the glory of Heaven on Earth in mighty powerful waves. We will see miracles as God will pour out His spirit upon all flesh: prophesies will come upon people, dreams and visions. Millions will get saved. Millions of faded compromised Christians will get revived. Fresh dew will sparkle with jewels across the Earth while warm, golden sunlight will heal souls and broken hearts. An aura of ethereal glory would resonate across the Earth.

In the aura of glory, humankind will have waves of Salvation visiting them. They will see Yeshua, Jesus Christ in dreams, visions, they will witness supernatural miracles of healing and suddenly they will believe in the Savior who loves them so much. Compassion will flow like a River through the Earth. While we say, this is the Millennium, we do believe before the judgement, there is another great awakening, which is this glory wave. The Millennium will not need Salvation because the Glory of God covers the Earth. People already belong to Him; but the era before the Millennium will need the salvation waves and it is fast approaching.

Pray for it, prepare for it, for as judgement too will visit the Earth, the glory waves will also visit. Those who reject His glory do get judged and the others will experience His wonders, abundant love, joy and peace. It will be the era of Jubilee.


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