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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

In His Glory

A 3-minute read

Glory to God in the highest and peace to all who receive it! Heaven is full of the glory of God and when Christ was born on Earth, that reflection of Glory fell upon the Earth.

What happens in the presence of God’s glory. Sometimes, we get glimpses of His glory on Earth.

In that glory:

1. Worship: We fall down worshiping God, our spirits soar on the wings of worship and we cannot stop. We would not be able to be indifferent, bored or in darkness in His glory. Suddenly a veil is torn off and we see things in the Spirit, we see God on His throne of Glory and we see Christ and the Holy Spirit overcomes us with love, adoration, praise and wonder.

2. Joy: In the presence of His glory, our joy is complete, this joy is supernatural, beyond our understanding, we are filled with incredible joy in the presence of His Glory. On Christmas night, Earth was filled with God’s Glory.

3. Peace: In His glory, we are filled with incredible peace. Again, this peace is beyond human emotions. There may be times when we get incredible peace in a situation. Know that you are in the Presence of God’s glory at that time, in the Holy Spirit and Christ, who fills us with peace.

In today’s world, there is no peace and wars and crimes increase. The Gospel which we are called to spread is to bring the message of Salvation and Peace. Many people who heard the message of the Gospel for the first time had waves of peace cocooning them. When I read the Book of Luke, the forgiveness of Jesus struck me and I was convicted, believed, had an epiphany of who Christ was and got saved. The peace and love I experienced was out of this world. In reality, I was in the presence of the Glory of God.

The Saviour, Jesus Christ was predicted as the Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9:6. The world is at war with God; sinners are at enmity against their Maker and against each other. There is no peace to the wicked. But Jesus came to make peace;

Christ does this by:

1. Calling us to love one another and forgive one another. In the days of the Millennium (1000 years rule of Christ, there will be universal peace and all wars will cease!

2. Christ brings all sinners to a place of peace with God. Being atoned for sin, we are at peace with Heaven and God.

2. By reconciling the world to God by His atonement.

3. By bringing the sinner to a state of peace with his Maker; inducing him to lay down the weapons of rebellion and to submit his soul to God, thus giving him the peace which passeth all understanding.

4. When we walk in the Holy Spirit, in communion with Him, tremendous peace floods us and we manifest the fruit of the as the fruit of the love of God, John 3:16; Ephesians 5:2; 1 John 4:10; Revelation 1:5. No words can express the greatness of that love. It can only be measured by the “misery, helplessness,” and “danger” of man; by the extent of his sufferings here and in the world of woe if he had not been saved; by the condescension, sufferings, and death of Jesus; and by the eternal honor and happiness to which he will raise his people. All these are beyond our full comprehension. Yet how little does man feel it! and how many turn away from the highest love of God, and treat the expression of that love with contempt! Surely, if God so loved us “first,” we ought also to love him, 1 John 4:19.

© Rita F. Kurian

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