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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

In God’s Light We See

Satan holds millions in sinking darkness where they cannot perceive truth or understand the things of God. Blinded, they cannot perceive God in His glory, understand Holiness in the power of its essence in spirit, nor perceive the Creator.

The answer to this is only the manifestation of the presence of God who in the glory of His Light shining upon souls can deliver, set captives free, and open the eyes of the blind. In His Light, people see light, see truth, receive it, and a mighty breakthrough happens.

Many who do not believe have a strong-willed preference for the darkness making them turn away from the Light. It is their choice. Usually we see acts of violence, hatred, lies and arrogance spewed out because this is the way the Devil holds them in bondage.

God in His mercy can turns hearts of the people we pray for, this is what revival and awakening is about. 

We need more Light in their lives, even we go through seasons where we cannot perceive or understand things clearly, and get deceived, groping in gray mists. Sometimes our spiritual vision goes dim and our spiritual life is ebbing and fading away. We pray, and God comes, manifesting and shedding His Light upon us in greater glory and suddenly we see, we rise and we shine in Him.

2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV) 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”[a] made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

We rejoice that God does not leave us wandering in darkness, but in His presence, light breaks out and in His Light, we see and are set free and blessed.

We can receive His Light manifest in our lives and in the world through:

Prayer – by asking Him to shed more Light on people and on us, and He will do so. Worshiping Him more for in worship His presence is manifest more mightily. Living pure and holy lives walking in the Holy Spirit. In His presence in us, His glory Light is shed around our dwellings and the people in darkness will see a great Light and chains will break by the power of His “laser” extraordinary supernatural Light! Amen!

Rita F. Kurian

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