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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

If God Cared…

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

A million minds must be asking this question, If God cares, or if God is there, why does He let Corona Virus stalk the world. Another thing I see a lot is people lauding science above everything, so prayer is looked down as drowning the scientific temper.

Well my friends, God compliments science always and science endorses God. During the Industrial Revolution in England, it was actually the heights of the greatest spiritual revival in the 1820s and 1840s and beyond. England became a super power at that time. Great spiritual men like Leonard Ravenhill, A. W. Tozer and others held all night prayer vigil backed by their political leaders and even Churchill! In fact, many of the scientists believed in God, check it out and you will find it true! Newton and others just to name a few among the many, many others believed in God. Charles Darwin was a firm believer God though later in life he became somewhat conflicted in his views struggling with the “problem of evil”, but despite this he is quoted as saying in 1879 “I have never been an atheist in the sense of denying the existence of a God.” In 1850, Ignaz Semmelweis saved lives with three words: wash your hands was a believer in God. Today, we are using his same innovative weapon to save lives all over the world.

God gave specific instructions in the Bible when they encountered disease: “And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean” (Leviticus 15:13). Running water rather than a bowl of water was more cleansing and purifying. These are scientific truths we are reinforcing today too.

Astronauts invariably believe in God because of some of the very supernatural phenomena they witness when they leave the atmospheric levels of Earth.

America was at its heights of spiritual revival in God during the California Gold Rush that began on January 24, 1848, and eventually raised up their economic levels to become a powerful rich nation in the world. At the same time, during the spiritual revival times, great scientists also made many inventions! Creativity and Science go together in the flow of God’s connectivity.

World War I and World War II were won by innovative technology, weapons and also there are hundreds of stories of miraculous answers to prayers, which baffled and astonished and lifted up their faith. This was the era when America was known to be a praying God-fearing nation.

The book, The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey would be an interesting book to read to show how God also compliments science and science compliments God. When the two walk together, a nation flourishes because God endorsed innovation and creativity in minds of human. God is creative, so allows the flow of creativity in Science. He never takes that away from us, but to wipe Him out and only give glory to ourselves or only to Science will one day cripple us to humility because at the crux of it, we need God… for when we pray to Him, things do change and it is not a whiff of imagination but real, God comforts us and lifts us up. We need Him more than He needs us.

However, bad things happen in the world because

There are four realms in which evil operates on earth:

1. The human soul and the flesh: 2. The world system. 3. Satan, demons acting on Earth on people. 4. The Earth is wrecked through human dabbling.

1. Humans are fallen beings, separated by God, fall prey to acts of lusts of the flesh because they have opened their lives to different forces, and given into deprivation and lust. Romans 1:28: Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved/reprobate mind, to do what should not be done. God had to give some people up because even in His Light and Glory, they would reject it. Human weaknesses ruling in us bring in pernicious paraphernalia like addictions, violence, and opens avenues to the spirit of lusts and crime to dig its tentacles deep into the soul of a fallen human, so entrenched within the human DNA that we see the rise of more evil these days.

2. The world system craves for power, control and money . Governments conspire against others, nations bring down nations. In all this paraphernalia, it is the workings of humans. Now, we will say, “Why doesn’t God stop them?” Well, He can, but there was one thing He does not interfere with and that is Free Will or He will be using us like puppets pulling our strings. Our choice is if we step towards Him, He is compassionate and changes things. Yet, millions of good people still die, despite all the prayers poured out for them. I can only say is that when that does happen, that process of pain of losing them transforms us, but even though they are gone, they would be in a far more beautiful place. Some things we still cannot explain away and will only know in Heaven one day.

Read Imagine Heaven by John Burke, free in the Kindle Library on well documented cases of people who died and came back, and they share with us what they saw. All these cases are medically documented by well-known “scientific and intelligent people” and not fake stories!

3. When humans practice occultism, black magic, Satanism, white magic, worship of fallen angels, they release more demons in the air to flood the earth. The rape demon formally known in some parts of the world as Incubus inhabits and possesses certain humans who have already opened avenues to this demon by personal sin. Incubus inhibits them to give them over to depraved perversions, and then given over to a reprobate mind. In this, their mental sickness, perversity and inhumanity only increases..This explains the increasing intensity in rapes, crimes, violence. They are depraved and fallen beyond the thinking of a normal human mind given over to the control of demons ruling them. Prayer over all the violence, rape, hate of the world can be prayed over and overcome if we pray more seriously about it. These strongholds are more prominent over certain geographical regions and can be brought down through prayer. Sincere anointed prayer changes the world.

4. Disaster like earthquakes can be stopped by God, but we have done much to bring imbalance into the ecology of the world. People made choices to destroy their own Earth, to ravage and destroy our planet through their own greed, so they tore down natural forests and started turning everything into concrete jungles in order to generate more money. Industrial waste is thrown in the oceans and humans are disobeying the laws of nature. Transmutation too causes strange new specimens to rise which can generate new viruses in time. All this dabbling has caused seismic waves in the ecology of the world and changed the dynamics of the natural atmosphere to imbalance. We brought many things upon ourselves by our dabbling!

Isaiah 1:13-17: This is the Voice of God in the Bible…while He sounds very angry…rightfully so, isn’t it? Sometimes we want to see the wicked punished because of the depths they have sunk.

13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. 14 Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. 15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! 16 Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. 17 Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.[a] Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

God says:

1. One day in Heaven, you will know why, and on Earth, the Holy Spirit shows us, teaches us and illumines these truths to our heart and gives us supernatural comfort and strength to bear all things. Remember, I seem silent, but I am working powerfully behind the scenes, you cannot see it, but some of the best works of Mine have come out after a greater evil on Earth. A Holy Spirit revival awakening and cleansing will come out after all this wickedness rising up in all countries in the world.

2. This is a fallen world and Satan is the god of this earth. Use Kingdom Authority to pray, bind, and caste out evil.

3. We can take back territory from Satan, and tear down evil strongholds so they come crashing down.

4. The truth is you are not praying enough. Do we realize that as you pray more, you release more angelic intervention in the world to defeat the demons and bring down their strongholds?

“Have you heard of the dark ages? People lived prayer-less lives at that time. There is a commandment to pray for the people of the nation, 1 Timothy 2: 1:2″I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”

See history and the people that prayed and the differences that happened in those nations, recorded in history. When we pray with burden, many times you will weep for people, these are not your tears, they are the tears of the Spirit of God”.

Friends, the Spirit has taught me how to have a deeper burden to pray, pray at all times and for others, I have seen prayer changing lives and situations and that has sustained and strengthened me as well and transformed my own life. Come let us pray!”

God is not the author of evil but we allowed evil to rule us if we did not pray much.

In this video, though noisy, it shows how prayer actually turned away a striking tornado. Another thing, we don’t have to pray as noisily as they do to be heard, God can still hear us in the silence of our hearts, He needs sincerity more than anything else! (The video sounds noisy so you can turn down the volume, but these are prayer warriors, they are noisy sometimes, but believe me, you would want them to pray for you during such times!) and in another video, a woman prays away a tornado too, this is the power of prayer! Imagine a praying nation! By this I mean at least 50% of the people really praying! We would see miracles and a lot of cleaning up of rubbish.


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