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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

God bless your 2019

God bless 2019 with His Gift of TRUST, JOY, STRENGTH in HIS GLORY

Psalm 65:11 You crown the year with Your bounty; Your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.

Each year, New Year is celebrated with excitement, expectation and zeal. Family gatherings, parties, prayer vigils and so much more. Yet for many others, this may be a sad time, losing loved ones over the past year, some pain, some hurt, some lonely. So they anticipate the New Year with a level of fear and trepidation.

TRUST: We may find ourselves not able to trust God for ourselves if we are willing. It does take a little step of faith to trust Jesus that He can transform 2019 to the brightest joyous year ahead!.

Jesus Christ has promised us..”All things will be made new! This is the blessing of the exchanged life

Christ gifted the Great Divine Exchange on the Cross: He broke the curse of death So we could live forever He broke the curse of sickness So we could be healed He broke the curse of sin So we could live in purity He broke the curse Of the Kingdom of darkness So we could walk each day In the Kingdom of Light

Appropriate the promises of God this year, start with a new beginning. Let Christ work in our hearts each day to heal us, restore us, refresh us, strengthen us. Jesus Christ has said in John 10:10: 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Let us turn our lives over to Christ in trust, trusting Him for each day as we walk along our way, .”

JOY: “He will take GREAT DELIGHT in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will REJOICE over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

STRENGTH: Our joy in the Lord is our strength when we have a deep abiding relationship with Christ. He rejoices over us and imparts new strength to us. His JOY will then start abiding in us. We get joy by abiding in Him by communion where we talk to Him and listen back to Him.

We get joy by meditating on His word and promises.

We get joy by praying for others. Believe me, you will start to rejoice when you pray for others!

As we delight to do His will, He will add TRUST, JOY AND STRENGTH in HIS GLORY to us.

GLORY: Walking in His Will, we will experience His PRESENCE, and walk within His GLORY WALL..and experience the greater dimensions of miracles, wonders, and His nature.

ASK: Ask Him for that trust and joy, in the presence of His Glory. Meditate on the Word and on His character and the good things He has done for you. In time, in your trusting heart, you will experience His peace, joy, and strength and experience greater glimpses of His glory or you may receive it instantly. In this joy, you can soar through any situation in life, rejoicing and this year 2019, nothing on Earth will be impossible in Christ!

© Rita F. Kurian

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