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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

February 8 – The Faith Action Prayer Act – Building a Prayer Life Series

February 8 – The Faith Action Prayer Act

Exodus 14:15:  And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward.

On watching the movie Prince of Egypt, one literally gets goosebumps when Moses lifts his rod and the Red Sea parts.  This is how it is when we walk prayerfully with God.  As we pray, we need to act.  God said, “Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground.” With the rod raised and hand outstretched, God’s Mighty Power flowed forth and divided the sea and the people walked right through it on “dry ground.” They did not even sink in a marshy sea bed.   

When we walk in prayer faith action, God dries up our pathway so we never walk in miry clay.  Our pathway becomes a highway of holiness.  Pray faith in action strengthens us to truth Him even when the road looks stormy.  In the silence of the night, we can hear His footsteps and we sense His presence.  Sometimes, it seems God has not answered our prayers or even given a negative answer to thousands of prayers.  Such was the case when a toddler died in a borewell despite the nation praying for him.  What happened we ask in despair?  The truth is God held that baby in his last hours and gave him peace and comfort and he passed peacefully, to be met by the angels and he was taken to Heaven.  He is delighted, happy and rejoicing. God also took him away from a life of sorrow he would face on Earth.  You may ask how do I say this. The truth is when praying for the child, I got tremendous peace, so I thought he would be rescued, but he was not. However, God assured many that the child was taken away long before he suffered too much.  God’s ways are mysterious.  Answers to prayers are not always like this, He has rescued millions of babies even from pits, drains, garbage dumps, and direct stabs.

From this we see that God’s power is operating on Earth every moment.   He will make a way where there seems to be no way out. The bigger the problem, the greater His ability to shine right through the darkness.  Exodus 14:9 Things were looking bleak and dark, yet God had a plan. And it was amazing.  Here we can choose to trust God against doubting Him. 

So, while our prayer faith in action is powerful, there are times when we think God did not answer, but He was answering in a mightier way.  He encompassed a baby with greater love and comfort and peace, He touched that household in a new way, He touched a nation, He raised awareness and He made people keep close to Him in prayer. 

God will stand between us and the enemy and we never fight alone.  He sends His angels to fight for us and protect us. He walks in the midst of us.

Keep a walk of faith action prayer, and keep walking on, praying and acting. The more closely we walk with Him, the more we will see more miracles.  Our God is a God of miracles.  He is the God who divided the Red Sea, destroyed the enemy in that same sea, bringing salvation to His people.  As we walk with God, the evil plans against our lives will be destroyed before they happen. Babies will be protected before harm comes to them, our homes will be safe with angels guarding keeping Satan and his cohorts far from us, and all plans of destruction sent by people and demons will be destroyed before they touch us.  Let’s keep up with the Faith Action Prayer Act!


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