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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

February 27 – Praying within the Firewall – #prayer, #daily devotion #firewall #spiritual #Christ

February 27 – Praying within the Firewall

Zechariah 2:5:  For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her. 

You are a special person, created in the image of your mighty Creator, whose deep desire is to have intimate fellowship with you, ignite you with His presence where His Wall of Fire encompasses and protects you as you walk from glory to glory in a Holy Adventure in this life.  Your constant prayer life with Him encompasses in a firewall of joy and protection.

God wants to be the wall of fire that surrounds us in the midst of everyday life, protect us, guide us and reveal Kingdom secrets, revealing His heart of burning Love for us.  He wants to be the glory in our souls, homes, sparking up our lives ablaze for Him. God and His Word are the wall of fire that surrounds us as we operate in His Kingdom, Word and Prayer and wants to set our walls and hearts blazing for Him. He wants to burn away our ungodliness, and refine us with the fire of His word.’” Zechariah 13:9.  

It only takes a decision.  Once we decide we want to rise above and walk in God’s Firewall, we enter into God’s supernal Highway in the power of the Holy Spirit and in doing so, the Fire of God surrounds us supernaturally, protects us, gives us victory and teaches us mighty skills to be powerful in the Kingdom.  Within the Firewall is the place of secret learning and keys to the Kingdom and the Glory of God shines upon us in the Firewall, where we are illumined, glowing in a dark world, so evident that people can see that fire in us blazing within the Firewall.  

Satan hits fiery darts at us, but we can quench them, extinguish them and smother them with our prayer life.  In the spirit world, when we pray within the firewall, our whole body is full of fire and light that radiates from us.  We recognize one another in Christ’s light because we are one and united in the spirit. Sometimes, our light is red hot and at other times, glowing embers. It is His light and fire dwelling in us. Our prayer are like light which has the power to clear the dark murky spiritual atmosphere around us.  

When we start to pray in Spirit, the fire of the Holy Spirit burns within us and set our hearts on fire. Sometimes, we feel that warmth and fire.  We think we’re only speaking words, but we are speaking fire! Sometimes, actually feel literal heat coming out when praying. This holy fire melts dark works, and fans flames for others.  

Remember, the Holy Spirit baptizes us with fire when we rest in Christ for He is the One who baptizes with fire.   Receive the fire of the Holy Spirit daily, pray in His fire, let His anointing work in your prayers, and you and situations will become unmovable in His will.

May lifeless cold hearts be quickened by the fiery brilliance of Christ’s fire, and may our fiery prayers shake the Heavens and the Earth.


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