February 21 – Prayer Walls
Isaiah 49:16: See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.
Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Sometimes, our prayer walls are not strong because we are filled with anger, bitter words, critical attitudes and we complain all the time. Perhaps someone hurt us, wounded us and we can’t get over it. Perhaps someone has persecuted us, taken away our property, injured us physically, or the hardest, killed a loved one. Perhaps lies were spread about us and a lot of people are judging us, and inflicted with hurt and injury, we get bitter. Soon, our prayer walls start to get cracks and certain parts crumble down. With the crumbling down, rats, insects and other creatures enter, symbolic of demons.
It is time to repair our walls or build new ones, if this is so! There are a few things we need to do to build up our walls.
Realize we have a problem. Unless we realize we are languishing in hurt, we will never pray for our healing, nor for our walls to be rebuild. Ask the Holy Spirit to show us where we are hurting and to accept it.
Forgive the people who hurt you. Ask the Holy Spirit to put forgiveness in your heart. Write it down.
Now pray for your personal healing and then pray for the people who persecuted you. Pray that the Lord will give you healing and enable you to forgive them. By faith, declare that you have forgiven them. Forgiveness is the most powerful way to build your spiritual walls. God showers down a double blessing on you when you forgive. Job forgave his friends and he received a double blessing.
Studying and meditating on the Holy Word of God makes our walls stronger. Many people get delivered or healed, or even demons are driven out of them, but if they continue to be lukewarm, or hide sin in their hearts, their walls crumble down again. Not just studying the Bible but meditating on its truths give victory. Honestly, there are many, many Bible college students or spiritual leaders, pastors who live in secret sin! Surprising? True because they do not practice the Word in their lives. They do not allow the power of the Word to work inside them. When Jolly in Kerala killed nine people, I had especially some Hindus asking me why if she was a regular church goer and Sunday School teacher did she do this? They said if Jesus was real, then she would never have done it. The truth is Jolly was not born again and she definitely did not allow the Word to work in her heart. We can hear the Bible, read it and even study it, but if we do not live it out with the help of the Holy Spirit, all our works are wood, hay stubble and like crumbling walls, we will fall. This is when we live within broken walls and any given day, we will fall. Build your walls!
Build your walls today by constant prayer, meditating on the Word of God and allowing it to work in you. Living in constant prayer makes our prayer walls stronger. Nothing can touch us, unless by His Divine will.