February 15 – The Fasting Prayer
Matthew 17:21 “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
Sometimes unpleasant things happen in life, persecution rises, and things get blown out of hand. Fasting has the power to break the strongholds and blocks. However, without a communion life in Christ, it is very hard to fast.
A person can do a one-day fast even with liquids and that is honorable before God, but if you are unwell, don’t do it, God understands.
There are three types of fast, each powerful. Let the Lord lead you to which fast you should take. Or you could choose anything else that suits you, as led by God.
We have an absolute fast where people do not eat or drink and this advisably should be done for a very short time, and if one has medical issues, it is better not to do it.
The second fast is the normal fast, where we eat nothing, but can drink water.
The third is the Daniel fast. This is a twenty-one day fast of Daniel where he ate plain food giving up all wine, bread and meat meaning the delicacies of food. At that end of that fast, Michael the arch warrior angel appeared to him saying that his prayer was heard at the beginning of the fast, but was withheld by the prince (angel) who ruled the land. So, even a fast like this has great power.
First, choose a time or season where you know you will get a lot of time to pray and read the Word and write down the illuminations you receive during your fast. Before your fast, taper down your food intake, so it will not be a sudden switch causing havoc on your digestive system.
Advantages of Fasting
Spiritual detoxification, fasting starts to wash our soul. Believe me, you will get a heightened level of conviction of the sins in your life.
Our greed, wants, lusts, flesh, and appetites are suppressed, and in this, our spirit starts to rise. By actually saying no to favorite foods and temptations, we are overcoming our natural whims of the flesh, not only in the sphere of food but also in other areas of our lives. This is the “holy way of life” where we die to self and let Christ rule and our spirit man awakens in more power and authority in our lives.
By the seventh day, the Lord starts to speak gives insights clearly. Write them down, pray during these times, read the Word a lot during your fast, and see what the Lord is speaking.
In fasting evil powers influence over us are broken. In this covenant meeting with God, all covenants with hell are broken. Demonic strongholds are broken. People with old demons attached to them start to leave through the power of the fasting prayers.
Fasting feeds faith as hope and strength rises.
Fasting strengthens determination.
Fasting gives us calm and peace inside.
Fasting deepens our prayer burdens.
Fasting allows the Holy Spirit to take over as our flesh submits to Christ.
Fasting feeds our passion and zeal. Hypocritical fasting where we live in hidden sin is not honored by God. When we walk in Love in obedience to the Bible, those fasting give divine breakthrough.