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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

Don’t Forget!

As given in Hebrews 2:1, it’s easy to forget while we get into a flow of a tide of events, such as seasonal, celebrations, promotions, events, or even wrapped up in the busy drone of life.

In such times, the sword of the Word of God gets a little rusty, tucked under a belt that is largely loose. Life goes on and we forget to pray, and then life goes on and we may lap up more from the saucer of the world rather than from the plate of the Bread of Life and cup of Living Waters. We no longer sup with Jesus.

In my very early walk with Christ, a newborn babe with no one around to teach me, I had an incredible heart vision of Christ walking with me and supping with me. In that beautiful season, I communed with Him and He spoke back to me, hearing words deep in my spirit, not a literal voice. I felt a wonderful love for God and around me, the situation started to change for the better and my enemies turned into my friends! I experienced the power of Christ.

Yet a few years passed and I forgot..and then I had to start all over again. Get back close to Him, read my Word, and commune and pray.

We humans are weak and fallible. It is so easy to slip, so easy to forget and so easy to drift away.

How do we combat this? The only way is to have a plan:

Plan to rise up in the morning to say “Good morning Jesus!” and continue that conversation through the day. Plan to have a power hour of prayer each day and set out the time and the venue and keep it to one specific location and time, it works better that way. Plan to spend that time in that venue meditating on the Word to strengthen you. You will soon find that your inner spirit will be so strengthened that you would soon be rising every day in a new glory wave with Christ and the Holy Spirit that it would be impossible to slip, fade, drift or fall so easy.

© Rita F. Kurian

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