Communion Walk

When we turn to Christ and abide in Him, our spiritual thirst be quenched!. Our daily communion walk with Jesus transcends us to a higher spiritual level, increases our borders and enlarges our coasts. Our selfish layers drop off and we start to glow in translucency in the heavenly realms in the presence of Christ.
Our abiding, remaining, worshiping, praying, meditating on the Word, communing with Christ draws the attention of heaven, angels, and even demons!
When we abide in Him, each day keeps getting brighter and better and this spreads to our family, friends, neighbors, towns, cities and touches a nation, and spreads like Holy fire to other nations.
This is the same pattern in every revival, and it all starts with a seed, a single person who had a deep communion walk with the Lord with the strong backbone of prayer and the Bible that broke down demonic strongholds and released revival. We execute steps of faith and prayer by being prompted by the Holy Spirit. The desire for revival originates in God and not in us

As Christians, we often underplay demonic strongholds and ignore the silent waves of destruction in undercurrents working all the time furiously to block and stop revival and to stop souls from turning to God Almighty, to wreck up homes and families, and to send stagnant waters among believers where microbes breed and infection and disease sets in.
We cannot see the supernatural currents behind the curtains of our natural living, they are like dark waves in an angry oceans and gusts of chilly winds that move between us to shatter and change the course of our fragile lives if they can do it.
While we are to be occupied with the Lord, awareness is necessary to propel us to prayer and shatter the strongholds of Satan down. In our living relation with Jesus, we are the salt and light of the world and partner with Him to bring in revival. I Peter 5:8 says “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” Remember, these verses are addressing Christians, so alertness and awareness is key.
2 Timothy 3 King:
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy….
But as this is said, this is also said of the last days: Acts 2:17
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
In greater darkness, greater light will break through! Moses stood before Pharaoh in Egypt while Pharaoh summoned his best magicians to perform miracles. However, Moses overshadowed all of them when his turn came to display the miraculous power of God, proving that the God who made the Universe is far more powerful and exceeds the black magic of the magicians and sorcerers. As the days get worse, God will display His power and might through the darkness. Beloved of God, you are not to fear these perilous times for God is far greater!
The invisible world working behind the scenes is directly impacting the world events that we see. We can make a big difference to this. People who prayed reversed the waves back to caste down the currents, and prayers birthed miraculous Divine Reversals in situations!
The secret of releasing prayers to impact the world system and to enable torrents of Heavenly revival rain to pour down on a hardened dry cracked earth is a precious secret every believer must learn. We can pray for our countries, governments, nations to see that change, to see revival break through the stony walls of resistance. All things are possible with God!
Glory to Glory:

God wants us to walk in His presence to walk from glory to glory in a Holy Adventure with Him in this life. He wants us to be resurrected, revived and bring revival wherever we go, for we blaze with His Holy Fire as firebrands for Him to touch peoples’ lives around us with His fire.
We are spiritual beings, encased in a body of flesh with emotions and a will and personality. In order to be ambassadors for revival, we have to have spiritual will to be powerful deputies in the enablement of revival rain and washing a sin-soaked world.
Once our spirit is connected first to God, then we can live in divine alignment with our spirit inner man ruling over soul and body to live in the full might and power of the spiritual life. A deep communion walk with the Lord changes everything. Abiding under the shadow of His wings gives us great protection and wonderful change happens not only for us but for others.
The Difference between a Revival and an Awakening
The arrival of Christ on earth was a proclamation of peace and goodwill to all humans. This means it

is God’s perfect will that ALL humans be saved and delivered from their sins and into the Kingdom of Heaven. Revival will be extra mercy waves poured unto a sinful world once again, before Christ returns. It is not because of our goodness but because of God’s greatness, glory and love. Revival oversteps the work of an evangelist, because these are glory days, men and women will preach the message of God and see wonders while Revival will be an outpouring from above, like Heavenly spiritual rain, a wonderful downdraft. This goes beyond the periphery of human tongues, hands, and feet. The Holy Spirit is touching lives in dreams, visions, and miraculously leading them to someone who gives them a people. This is the supernatural work of God beyond our territories. The Holy Spirit cannot be put in a box.
John 3:8: The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” We cannot predict how a Revival will happen. We cannot hold a tent meeting and say..now here is Revival. God will honor that meeting and souls will be revived and come to Him, but when Revival Rain falls, it is mighty, miraculous, and touches people all over like wildfire, rain and a rushing wind and we cannot control it. All people will fall down worshiping God in His glory, weeping, wailing and repenting in their sins and asking for mercy. Some have seen visions of hell, some of seen heaven, some have seen angels, some have seen demons, some have got healed, some have got delivered, some have hardened their hearts and got judged, but all got touched in some way.
The Hebrew word for revive is chayah which means to live, have life, remain alive, sustain life, nourish and preserve life, live prosperously, live forever, be quickened, be alive, be restored to life and health. According to that definition, revival is not just a one-time shot of faith in a lifetime, revival is a continual deep work within us of nourishment, preservation, drinking Living Waters and eating the Bread of Life daily, spiritual quickening and restoration to life.
A spiritual awakening differs from a revival. In a spiritual awakening, unsaved masses of people drowning in dirty rivers of sin, angry, confused and frightened, who do not know God at all are suddenly marvelously touched by God’s Spirit to a powerful spiritual awakening, first with a very heightened awareness of the dreadful sinful condition of souls and then a mighty spiritual awakening to God and His glory. In an awakening, people come to God, get filled with the Holy Spirit.
In a revival, believers get revived, and refresh their dusty walk with God. It is a refreshing that delivers them from the dead and tarnished works in their lives, they repent of their sins and start afresh with God.
Both an awakening and revival are not normal days but very supernatural where God manifests Himself to not only His church but ALL people.
A supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit pours out in torrents to a community and spreads like fire to eventually impact a nation. Miraculous conversions transpire, soul get saved like quicksilver, sudden awareness of sin deepens to crying conviction, the love and unity increases in leaps and bounds.
A great awakening will happen because God wants it, in spite of our weaknesses and divisions God will raise it up supernaturally, and He is raising a remnant of Prayer Warriors and mighty intercessors who are praying fervently with blazing fires in hearts poured in by the Holy Spirit and they are reaching the lost in marvelous ways. He is raising you and me for that purpose in these last days…
To be continued…
Rita F. Kurian