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August 8 – The Hammer that Breaks the Rock #spiritualinspiration

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

August 8 – The Hammer that Breaks the Rock

Jeremiah 23:29 – Is not My word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

Fire and hammer are two powerful qualities of the word of God.  We may not like the idea of a hammer of a Word! Does sound uncomfortable doesn’t it?  But we do need the hammer of God’s Word to chip away all the rough edges.

            The Word of God sharpens us, purges us, and cleans us.  We need the hammer of the Word. In order for that, read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.  You will eat honey, bitter gourd, lemons, milk, bread and meat!  You will have a wholesome healthy diet. However, if you only read Psalms, Proverbs and the New Testament, the hammer of the Word cannot chip out the rough edges.  On reading Genesis to Revelation, there has been a purging of my soul and the Holiness of God became more real and alive. 

Here are some of things that happen when you read the Holy Book in whole.  Do not read a verse, but read the whole chapter and you will feel its power working inside of you:

  1. The hammer of the Word breaks down the hardness of your heart.

  2. The hammer of the Word chips away all the ugly rough edges through the Holy Spirit working in you.

  3. It shapes your soul and gives it substance.

  4. It strengthens the fiber of your soul interweaving diamond rock into you through the hammer. Every time you read the Bible, new diamonds are added into your soul, and fastened inside you through the hammer. 

  5. Reading the Holy Book in wholeness chapter by chapter and not by verse, does a deep purging work. Purging is catharsis.  Catharsis is the purification or purging of the emotions when we go through something difficult.  When we read all aspects of life, tough, good, ugly, bad, it works in us and starts to deal with the dark corners of our soul.

  6. Old dust rises as the hammer chips off the roughness.

  7. A new hammer starts to chisel us to smoothen us. Soon, our texture changes to glow with new strength.

Never resist the hammer of the Word working in you.  In this way, while the hammer works in you, know you are being changed from strength to strength and glory to glory, and from dust to dazzling diamonds!


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