August 31 – Extravagant Worship and Glory to God
Mark 14:3,4 – “Jesus was in the house of Simon the leper, in Bethany; while He was eating, a woman came in with an alabaster jar full of a very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on Jesus’ head. Some of the people there became angry, and said to each other, ‘What was the use of wasting the perfume? It could have been sold for more than ten thousand rupees and the money given to the poor!’ And they criticized her harshly. But Jesus said, “Leave her alone!”
When this lady poured out the alabaster jar of the most expensive perfume, everyone was shocked at her ridiculous extravagance. I think as people, we tend to say, “What a waste of money, they could have fed the poor!” However, when we worship deity, nothing is enough, we need to pour out our worship and love lavishly. Such lavish worship results in the beautiful transformation of our souls. We know this lady changed to become a mighty woman of prayer, a great worshiper and one of the strong pillars of the church.
Our worship of God does mighty things in our lives:
It brings in true dedication. The more we worship Him, our dedication to Him sharpens and we can receive healing. Worship does not mean singing and clapping our hands. We can sing and clap hands and lift up our hands, but still not be very connected to God. True worship means concentration on God, in love and wonder. This is dedication.
True worship destroys the devil’s plans over our life. Extravagant worship frightens him away because the glory of God around us stings him.
Extravagant worship releases more love in us. We cannot think evil for another person. If we are not true worshipers, it is easy to seek revenge. Now, if we seek revenge or even curse other people, we get bound in a curse. On cursing other people or things or places, we draw curses upon ourselves. We need to learn the art of blessing, for in blessing people, places, etc., blessings will be drawn to us. Deuteronomy 28:2 says, “Blessings shall come upon you and overtake you. “
We share the message with the hurting with a heart of extravagant love. We pour out, and God gifts us with supernatural anointing so the sick get healed, the oppressed get delivered and saved and miracles happen.
True worship is a lifestyle, it is not one hour a day practice, but is the very air we breathe.
God is bringing us to a place where we know the Spirit of the Lord is upon us. If we have not got to that place, God wants to bring us to the fact of what Jesus said in John 14, “…I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.”
There is no limit as to what we may become if we dwell and live in the Spirit. As we worship, sing, praise, and pray, we breathe His thoughts into our thoughts, and live in the unction of the Holy Spirit all the time. May we choose extravagant worship as our lifestyle!