August 17 – The Hidden Heart
Psalm 86:11 Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.
The recent serial killer in Kerala, Jolly Thomas who killed nine people through cyanide administrations, family members and known people over nearly two decades has the nation shocked. I had people asking me how if she is a pious Christian who was a regular churchgoer, and a Sunday school teacher, how could she do this? Since they asked me this, I decided to write this down. Jolly Thomas was born into a Catholic home and brought up in a Godly atmosphere She had a sunny happy face, attractive, loved by all. She killed for property, power, control and for infatuation. However, she was mainly driven by evil and she had a hidden heart. We can hide our dark deeds from humans but never from God. Why would a woman brought up with the Word of God regularly going to church do this? Should not the presence of God in the church change her? She was not born again or she would have been convicted before she could even commit these crimes.
Jolly, like any other human is prone to evil, wickedness and crime unless born again in the Holy Spirit of God. Once again, there are millions of people in the world who are essentially “good” people with pure consciences. They would never steal, lie, kill, rape, or harm anyone. These are the morally good souls.However, millions too are not “morally good.” They lie, steal, rape, murder etc., without batting an eyelid. Their faces tell their stories of crime.There is a third category that Jolly falls into. It is a person with a split personality. Jolly had a split personality on an intensified scale. This personal operates under the garb of goodness and sweetness. 1. The soul of a split personality is unlike a normal soul. A normal soul is whole and healthy. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. This is a healthy soul.However, an unhealthy soul is splintered with fissures and cracks. Because of defense, deceit, survival and ambition, it goes on to develop compartments to hide its different functioning. This is a compartment soul. A compartmentalized soul hides different personalities in its different boxes. Each personality lifts up to operate on different occasions. Each personality is disconnected from the other. The personality actually represents a person. So, one person has different people living in them. Soon in time, demons attach themselves to each of the personalities (persons) inside that split soul. That soul can rise to commit a murder spurred on by the demon that empowers it. Then that personality goes back to its box, and disconnects from the other personalities. After that, another personality of kindness, helpfulness and even seeming compassion rises to operate. This personality disassociates with the murderous one, and human goodness operates. Their countenance takes on a pleasant demeanor. A lot of charisma flows around them again empowered by the demon attached to them. In psychiatry, this kind of person is identified as having schizophrenia – defined as people having mixed false perceptions. There are different kinds of schizophrenia.
Only life in the Spirit of God delivers people from the dark operations in the soul if they respond! People resist God and never get delivered. Romans 8:6: The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.