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Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

April 25 – Angelic Intervention – #devotion #spirituallife

April 25 – Angelic Intervention

Hebrews 1:14:  Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Angels are sent by God to deliver God’s answers to our prayers.  Angels are especially utilized and involved in delivering the answers to our prayers from the throne of God. Genesis 28.  Some nations that have very little prayer going on have the thickest fog of demonic activity with very little angelic intervention.  These nations have evil raging in the undercurrents.  When we don’t pray, there are seismic shifts that shudder all over the Earth in terrifying spiritual earthquakes.  We see darkness and horrifying disasters all around us. 

            The world, however, is held in order by God, and His angels working all the time.  Angels are released from God’s throne in heaven into the affairs of humans. They are involved in all facets of life in both the spiritual and natural everyday activities of Earth.  A praying nation sees a lot of blessings and peace.  However, we are aware that the chaos we are seeing today is because of a lack of prayer.  Christians have sadly become more materialized and carnal, so there is very less prayer rising.

Scriptural Examples of Angelic Intervention Through Intercession

  1. Genesis 18 shows us the intercession of Abraham for Sodom and Gomorrah.

  2. Genesis 19 shows us how two angels warn Lot of his urgent situation, the angels deal with the ungodly men outside Lot’s house who are stricken with blindness, The angels eventually lead Lot and his family out of the city before the destruction took place. Angels work on our behalf mostly unseen by us and at times are seen by us.

  3. When God’s judgment starts rolling unto Earth, the angels want to hurry us out of the places of danger and calamity as evidenced in Genesis 19:22. Suppose a disaster was about to strike a town, the angels would be vigilant to take us out.

  4. God sends angels in answer to our fervent intercession. In Genesis 19:29, God remembered Abraham’s intercession!

“Angelic intervention is released in response to humankind’s intercession.  Today is the day to  intercede as the hour gets darker.  As we pray, heaven’s angelic army will be released into the affairs of the Earth due to our prayers!

            These angels are sent throughout the Earth to tear down strongholds and are ready to war for souls on Earth.  When we ask God to send angels to our nation in multitudes, we will start to witness a change in the air and in the world events and people’s lives.  I have seen it happen!

            With angelic help, God want us to take new ground.  As we can see, Daniel prayed for 21 days before the angel that watches over Israel came, but he was blocked by the prince of the kingdom of Persia before he could come through. Every nation in the world has a warring angel over them.  Some of them are not holy angels, such as the prince of the kingdom of Persia.  These are the fallen angels.

Be a prayerful warrior and pray for angelic intervention always, you can change nations with the power of your prayers!


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