This is a message to the privileged pastors in India. While poor pastors and Christians are being persecuted in India, the favored top-brass super priviledged pastors are always silent. This silence is always stunning. Horrors upon horrors happen, but they keep silent, they say pray. Invariably, they keep informing the West about it, as if the West are demi-gods, and in the meantime, the situation in India is getting worse.
Unfortunately, one cannot help thinking that privileged pastors in India are using the misfortune of poor Christians to their own advantage to collect funds from the West. This is the cycle of corruption that must stop.
Indian Christians who are true want no western interference with Christian persecution in India. God is the best protector and we will pray. In the meantime, the top brass pastors in India keep on to their sickening silence, perhaps afraid of GOI’s raids on them or they will lose their funding.
Also, when anything happens to Christians in India, some Christians tag @JoeBiden. Remember you are on your own, stop looking to the West..Christians, pray and depend on God more, no one else and be as strong as teabags in hot water.
Top brass privileged pastors in India, #Christian #Pastors in India, please stop running to the West for sympathy and speak up for the poor Christians instead here..Get involved, stop sailing in the clouds with religious euphemisms!