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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

When Words Spill Out – Poem

When words spill out in anger and rage When we later wish those words were never staged Because cruel words can cause lives to be broken Those piercing words should have never been spoken We know words cannot be taken back Words pierce deep in a soul and life turns dark

But wait! There is still hope in that murky mess For only God can turn it around in His address For He has the power to take out that scorpion sting Wounding words He casts out in a far fling He turns those words in the soul crumble to ashes Anoints and heals soul from words’ vicious lashes

Through prayer, the diabolic sting of words Fade away to a vapor nothingness Removing its poisonous crippling effect Its ashes released scatted to the wilds winds Then the stabs of hurtful words fade and heal This happens when we get down and kneel

Because we have a God of Redemption A God who forgives, heals and strengthens Who when we ask Him, can clean up that mess And into our ruins and mess, He reaches down to bless He is a God who reforms and transforms He can make the dead redundant brand new!

Rita F. Kurian

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